13: Ride or Die

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I made the biggest fúcking mistake ever.

I was such a dickwad and I don't know what the hell got into my morning tea, but it was definitely laced with essence of douchery. What the hell was I thinking? Why the hell did I have to make up such a stupid lie, humiliating Ari in the process? Why couldn't I just tell my friends the truth? Oh I know why, because I'd be out of their group, and my social standing would plummet faster than light speed.

It freaking killed me to see Ari so hurt as she witnessed my train of lies. She looked at me, so ashamed that she even knew my name and it freaking sucked ass! She was nothing but nice to me; she put up with my fuckery from the beginning and did more good in the short amount of time than my friends have done in the year and a half of knowing them.

Hands down, I'm the idiot of the year!

Plus there was also the brawl between Jake and Ashton. As much as Jake tried to convince everyone that he won the fight to mend his bruised ego, his black eye and the numerous Instagram videos said otherwise. He deserved it - telling people to "Cobain it up" was so wrong.

When the fight between Ashton and Jake broke out, and everyone on campus crowded around the two, I stepped away. Call me a bad friend for not sticking around Jake, but Ari quickly became my priority. So I ran after her - into the virtually empty school halls to find her.

I was kind of running around aimlessly until I remembered that stupid Katie dumped iced coffee all over Ari, which meant she was most likely in the bathroom. I was trying to figure out which female urine chamber she was in, but when I saw a familiar head of green hair waiting outside the restroom across from my English class, I knew.

"I fúcking swear to God Hemmings," Michael roared, as I approached closer to him. He stomped down the hall, stopping when his feet met mine. "Don't you even think about going anywhere near Ari right now. You're a fúcking douche you know that?"

"Look I do, I do know that I'm a douchebag!" I agreed with him. I had to try to keep my tone down. Michael was already pissed as it is and I didn't want to add fuel to the fire, "I just want to apologize to Ari." I tried to walk towards the bathroom, but Michael swung his arm out to keep me from my endeavors.

"I don't think so quiff boy. You've already done enough damage!" Michael bellowed. "Like what the actual fúck is going on in that stupid brain of yours? And to think that Ari defended you? You make me sick, dude!"

"Wait, what do you mean Ari defended me?" I asked him.

"When she told us all about your lame rendez-vouz in LA last Friday," he informed. "She actually said you were a fun guy to be around. And I thought, 'Ari has to be bullshitting us.' But she's our best friend and if she thinks you're someone to trust, then we gotta trust her judgment."

Michael let out a chuckle, amused of what he was saying. But he turned back to me, the smile wiped away from his face. He glared at me angrily, "but obviously she was wrong."

I want to be that person Ari can trust again. I want to be her friend; I want to be that same person she spent all night in LA with. I like how I am when I'm with her-- she makes it easer to be me.

"Look, I know you're trying to protect Ari, but please, just let me apologize to her. I was a dick back there, I know that, but please just let me talk to her," I pleaded. Michael stood there with his arms crossed as he shook his head.

"No freaking way asshole," Michael sneered.

I sighed, slumping my shoulders and admitting defeat-- or that's what I wanted Michael to think. There was no use trying to bargain with him. He was an overprotective friend and I was somewhat jealous of that. So I turned around, trudged down the linoleum floors for a few steps, waiting for Michael to bring his guard down.

✔ DRUNK words, SOBER thoughts ✖ hemmings auWhere stories live. Discover now