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Me and Taehyung had to struggle a lot to get Jimin's bed back from the garage. It was way too big, and I still wondered how we managed to get it in there in the first place. After we cleaned Jimin's room, me and Taehyung headed to the living room where everyone was choosing a movie to watch.

When we same to the living room, Jimin and Namjoon hyung were very busy staring at the TV screen trying to find a movie, Hobi hyung was staring at his phone maybe scrolling through Instagram? and I heard noises from the kitchen giving away that Jin hyung and Yoongi hyung were most probably cooking dinner.

I went towards the sofa, plopped down on it and asked excitedly. "So, what are we watching? Romantic? Comedy? Horror? That sounds good...Horror." "We are not watching Horror!" I turned towards the voice and saw Taehyung. "Oh Sorry! I forgot you were scared!!" I said and after deciding to be a little overdramatic, I started laughing hard while rolling on the sofa and ended up falling to the floor. I stopped laughing and rubbed my butt. "Ouch! This hurts." I spoke. "Serves you right" Jimin stated, his eyes still focused on the screen.

"Are you taking his side now?" I felt betrayed. "We are watching this!" Namjoon hyung screamed ignoring our talks as Jin and Yoongi hyung entered the scene with plates and trays in their hand. Eventually, everyone helped them arrange the food on the table. "Dinner's ready!"


Jinyoung was crying bad, and I had no idea what to do, I saw blood oozing out of her wound, apparently where the tattoo was appearing.

I rushed out of the kitchen to find the first aid box and as soon as I turned around to go back to the kitchen, I heard the restaurant door open and Jinyoung slowly lessened her cries, I looked at the door to see one of our customers from earlier standing with his hand on his leg which was surrounded by blood.

"Where is she?" He asked. "On the floor" I replied as I rushed to the kitchen and helped Jinyoung stand up. She came outside and turned her gaze towards the guy that stood at the restaurant door.

"I am Daejoon, Kang Daejoon." "My-myself Jinyoung, Min Jinyoung." Jinyoung looked startled as Daejoon suddenly introduced himself, but I was the one that felt the most awkward when both of them were staring at each other.

"I'll leave you both to catch up!" I said, took my purse and left the place.


I unlocked the door and entered my apartment, locking the door behind me I skipped to bed right after changing my clothes as I was way too tried to have dinner and fell asleep soon after, but a thought bothered me a lot even though I was still very young.

"When will I find my soulmate?"

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