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{this chapter has high mention of blood and injury, might be distributing for a few people}


We hurried to Namjoon hyung as soon as he was shot. I held his head on my lap as he was closing his eyes, my cheeks were covered with dried tears already, why God? Why did I have to crouch down? I never thought a moment like this would come when I would think that it was to have been shot myself.

The girl was busy crying while covering her mouth and Jin hyung went back to the closed room where we were locked in order to look for a cellphone to call the ambulance. None of us had our cellphones with us, maybe they took it form us.
I heard some groans and screams from behind me, I turned around and saw Jimin and Hobi hyung trying to rescue Yenji, the were doing good with it but, "BE CAREFUL JIMINNNN!" I had shouted but it was too late. Jimin fell down the stairs and the stairs were not low, they were very very high, so high that I felt it could result in death. At this moment my mind stopped working, my tears started falling again, with a little hope in my mind I turned to the side of the chandelier. Yoongi hyung ran and took Jimin with him, trying to wake him up he checked his pulse "he is breathing." Yoongi hyung told us.

"God please tell me Hobi hyung and Yenji made it out form under the chandelier before it fell..."


I cut the rope tying Yenji to the chandelier and kept on looking at Jimin every two seconds, the rope was very very tight maybe that was why her wrists were bleeding so much. This time when I turned again to Jimin, I already had the ropes cut off and thrown to the floor, Jimin was about to fall down the stairs, "HYuNg HurRY" His words came out in the mixture of different loudness. "LEAVE THE ROPE JIMIN!" "BE CAREFUL JIMINAHHHHH!" My and Jungkook's voice mixed together, I picked up Yenji on my shoulder and as soon as I did so I felt the chandelier touching my head. "This is it"
My heart told me I'll die but I slid Yenji away from the chandelier as she has already fainted and laid on the floor myself at an enormous speed before sliding away from the chandelier.

The reason why we laid down first and didn't just run? The chandelier had already touched my head and if I would still be standing I would be crushed in seconds. Even though I slid myself away from under the chandelier, the crash of the chandelier was too strong and I was too close to it to avoid any harm and I felt pieces of sharp glass pierce through my skin in several parts but I thunderously screamed when a piece went inside my left eye. The scream was so loud that everyone's attention came to me.

The impact was very high, my eye started bleeding, I felt like I was going blind. Blood tears reached my cheeks, my hand automatically reached my eyes. I heard the police men come downstairs. Taehyung approached me and sat in front of me.


Again a tragedy, In front of eyes I saw so many disasters that my eyes couldn't take it anymore, I kept Namjoon hyung's head in the floor and stood up. "The ambulance came!" Jin hyung shouted. At the very same time, two policemen came and picked up that girl from the floor and now she did not protest, she just stood up with them and did not care about being arrested.

I helped them get Jimin and Namjoon hyung, as we reached Hobi hyung and Yenji, both of them had also fainted, such a horrible day. The only four members that were conscious helped the others to get out of the mansion and for the last time before exiting the place, I turned around and saw the girl being taken away by the police when her mask fell to the floor.
My world stopped, even my tears stopped. I went numb. "V-v-vash?" I mumbled and tilted my head in a questioning manner.

She nodded like she heard what I said. "I AM SORRY JUNGKOOK! I NEVER EVER WANTED TO HURT YOU!". She screamed, the police were taking her away towards the back door, the members were taking me away towards the front door, the distance between us increased, but we were looking in each other's eyes, there was pain in her eyes, regret, guilt, lo- no there was no love, just regret of hurting me but no love for me , I couldn't see if, I never saw it, not today, not yesterday, not any day before, not even in the day we kissed. I never saw anything other than desire, but-

I was dumb, I thought she meant it when she said 'I love you', I believed her when she said she understood my problems, I believed her everytime. I am the dumb one. It's just me.

In just a few more moments, we were out of the door and couldn't see each other anymore but I heard her again. "FORGIVE ME JUNGKOOK! SEE I DID NOT HURT YOU NOTHING HAPPENED TO YOU!"

Nothing happened to me, I was not hurt..... physically but mentally? I was dead. Spirituality? I was dead. This pain was way more than being hurt physically but once again she did not, understand.


I sighed in relief, the police made me sit in their car, I did not hurt Jungkook, he saved himself on time. Now, our relation will not break cuz' I did not hurt him. But, I did hurt the others? Right? What if he leaves me? I did not even know what I was thinking anymore, what I was doing anymore. At some time my brain told me, good, you did not lose your job and you also did not hurt Jungkook and at some time my brain told me "You killed a man, and if you didn't kill anyone you tried to murder someone you are evil, you are a witch!"

I don't know what I am, I know that now I'll be arrested and Jungkook won't talk to me for a few days.I apologised though, "Are you a psychopath?" Suddenly a police men asked asked. "No, why?"
"You don't seem sane to me."
"You keep chuckling, shrugging and I don't know what not since the past few minutes."
"I might have gone insane after so much happened." I again chuckled.
"We need to take her to a doctor." He told his teammates and they nodded. I was still smiling, am I actually a psychopath? I don't know, I asked myself again, Maybe?

I was taken to the station and put behind bars even before I could process, I sat there thinking about what I did with my life.

I was a chef on week days, Assassin on weekends, I cooked food and gave food to starving people, I saved idols from saesangs and helped them out of trouble and suddenly the food felt poison when I started showing off my idol boyfriend in front of my colleagues more than cooking, I started harming the same idols whom I saved once, I lost my one and only best friend in the process and now where am I? I can't save anyone, no starving people and no idols, I don't even have my boyfriend anymore, did we break up? Will he come to me? If yes, then when?

I looked at my wrist for a sign of him but, the tattoo was gone.... just like him.


Before I reached the hospital, I realized something, there was no tattoo on my wrist like Vash never existed, it just... vanished. I was too broken to care about that though.


My tears never stopped when the doctor called me, Taehyung, Yoongi hyung and Jin hyung to the room and told us this.

"Hoseok is fine but his left eye is severely injured, his left eye will not work for now, but it might start working after a year or two. Yenji has a lot of blood loss but other than that she's fine, she will have to stay in the hospital for almost a month according to my prediction. Namjoon and Jimin are in very serious conditions. Namjoon is going through surgery currently and if everything goes fine than Namjoon will be able to go home in two days but Jimin....I cannot guarantee he will wake up-"

"Doctor, patient from ward 129 Park Jimin, slipped into coma!" A worker came and exclaimed.

[Not everyone is born great and not everyone grows up to be great.]

[Indeed, there could be one decision that came to you and the wrong one turns to ruin your life, you might end up like Vash, maybe?  Let's all try to choose the right choices for ourselves, protect ourselves from crime and be loyal to our partners!]

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