39 (alternative ending)

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We are going a little back in time for the happy ending, this scene starts after Jungkook comes back from meeting Vash in the jail in chapter 39


I stood by the bridge and let the cool breeze hit my face.  Everything happened so fast, I thought it was the end of Vash and I but I excepted that this was also just another lie.

6 years later

I healed quite well but the scars are still there, still a sadness that comes every time I see the soulmates of other members, all of them found their soulmates now, Jimin woke up from the coma in two months and hobi hyung's eye recently healed. Everyone is doing fine but I always think of this one thing, is it possible for me to have another soulmate?


I was going to the mall to meet Daejoon. He was getting married to Jinyoung, I hadn't met with him in a long while because ever since I got depression six years back, I met a very few amounts of people for three years straight and did not enjoy interviews as much as I did before, while concerts and fan meetings still held an irreplaceable area in my heart.

I got rid of my depression four years back and eventually started feeling better but the incident that happened when I went to meet Daejoon was like a revival of my past that I thought I'd totally forgotten.

"Hey bro, so sorry I didn't meet you in forever."

"I get it, BTS is so blowing up these days, you must be busy."

"Yup I am very busy indeed, it's not normal to win so many awards with one single album." I chuckled proudly showing off my achievements.

We had a lot of fun time, though I had to roam around wearing the cap and mask.
We visited a newly opened mall which was near the BIGHIT building and not so surprisingly, I saw Yoongi hyung and Isabelle Noona having a date, Isabelle noona was from America, she met hyung five years back. They have a very strong bond which makes me unknowingly jealous at times.

Ignoring their presence, I and Daejoon entered the arcade inside the mall, it was a small area with a number of games to enjoy, I was playing bowling when I heard Daejoon squeal in excitement. "I didn't know Jinnie and Vash were coming here as well!" He ran to a direction and unconsciously my steps followed behind his.


The same blue eyes that no one other than her can have. She looked very similar to when I first ran into her on the street, the same cargo pants, her hair put up and her little backpack, only her shirt was different, it was a shade of purple which said, "LETS START AGAIN BUT ON A BETTER FOOTING."

I saw a silent tear escape her eyes which others failed to notice. "Jungkook this is Vash, she is Jinyoung's best friend." Daejoon said, he knew everything that happened between me and Vash but failed to ever remember her name, so he did not know that I already knew Vash. Jinyoung looked very panicky because she very well knew everything that was happening or had happened.

Surprisingly a hand came in front of me. I looked up to see Vash smiling after wiping the tears that fell, she looked at her t-shirt with hope and spoke. "I am Vashnavi, Jinyoung's best friend, you can call me Vash."

I understood the call and not wanting to make things uncomfortable for Daejoon and Jinyoung, I shaked her hand and spoke. "Hi Vashnavi, I am Jungkook." I knew how to say her name perfectly, I learnt it for her but before I could call her by her real name, she vanished from my life. Unlike how I ever thought I'd react when I meet her again in this life, I felt that the fire of rage and hatred for her that was inside me had been long extinguished. Maybe it was her guilt and apology that acted as water for that flame.


I saw him again, once again after I spent three years in jail, my punishment was decreased and it had already been three years since I came out of the jail and ever since then, my breathing was working with the will to meet him again, even though I could have seen him through anyone like Jinyoung or even go to a concert but I couldn't make myself come up to him after everything that happened.

Today, he stood in front of me and was just a handshake away, I did what my brain told me to do "START AGAIN BUT ON THE RIGHT FOOTING"

His hand touched mine, he called me 'Vashnavi' I don't know why but that reminded me of a conversation we had six years back when he went for the tour and on a phone call, he told me. "You only call people close to you by nicknames."

As soon as we shook hands and pulled away, my wrist sting.

My wrist




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