Chapter 29

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Early in the morning — when not even the sun itself had risen, Marley and Alexander readied themselves for the day. They were both nervous for what was to come, espiecally the golden-haired man. To sit in the same thing that killed his parents for the day made Marley break a sweat.

"I double checked we had everything last night," Alexander spoke, "so that's one less thing to stress about."

"Thank you, Xander. I really appreciate it."

The dark-haired man wrapped an arm around his lover's waist, and leant his head against his shoulder. "It's okay, Marley."

The dark-haired man knew Marley was scared — why wouldn't he be? But he knew whatever he said wouldn't help his lover. So, he stayed close by his side through the airport, managing everything himself to make sure Marley didn't have any added on stress.

They sat in the aeroplane quietly waiting for it to take off. Alexander made sure they bordered the plane as early as they could so they weren't rushing. 

Alexander looked to his left where Marley sat by the window. His blue eyes darted across the seat in front of him as he sunk his cheek into the palm of his hand. Alexander lay his hand on top of Marley's, gliding his thumb back and fourth over his skin. "Marley, we'll be okay," he said soothingly. 

"Yeah," the golden-haired man untruthfully agreed, closing his eyes to forget his whereabouts. 

Everyone had taken their seat and were waiting for the plane to leave at last. Alexander intertwined his fingers with Marley's, knowing it was the least he could do.  They stayed like that for twenty minutes whilst the plane began to take off. 

Marley didn't open his eyes for a second. He felt the odd sensation of the aeroplane leaving the ground, so he gripped onto Alexander's hand tighter. 

It felt more stable, "Marley." Everything was still, "Marley." A gentle voice comforted the golden-haired man's ears. "Marley, we're in the sky now."

He could hear people chatting around him casually. He could feel the warmth of his lover's hand.  Marley cautiously opened his eyes, seeing the blue sky out the window. "Oh my god," he whispered to himself in fear.

"Marley." The blue-eyed man turned his head to his lover when he felt a hand caressing his face. "Look at me. You're going to be okay, Marley." 

The golden-haired man exhaled deeply from his nose. "Sorry for causing you trouble."

"It's okay, I've had heaps of practise with Shai," Alexander smiled.

Marley chuckled. "Thank you, Xander — for being understanding."

"Of course." Alexander moved both hands and placed them over Marley's right hand. "Should we watch a movie to pass the time?"

"There's movies?" Marley said surprised.

"You didn't know that?"

"Had no idea," Marley laughed.

"Well," Alexander looked at the screen, turning it on, "now you do."

"Oh, can we watch that?" Marley pointed to the screen in a childish manner.

The dark-haired man smiled at his lover and proceeded to play the movie. They watched it on the same screen while Alexander lay his head on Marley's shoulder, and slowly but surely, the time passed by.

The two were served food as they continued to watch various movies, and after finishing his meal, Marley could feel his eyes droop. He had warmed up to the idea of being in the aeroplane. He sure wasn't fond of it, but with Alexander's help, he grew to not hate the it.

The golden-haired man felt someone pushing his arm gently. His eyes opened curiously, "Marley, we're about to land."

He rubbed his tired eyes, "We are?"

"Yeah," Alexander said fondly. "You fell asleep for a couple of hours."

The golden-haired man looked outside, seeing the early morning through the window. He felt the aeroplane making its way to ground, which was a peculiar feeling. He couldn't believe he had made it — he couldn't believe he even stepped foot in an aeroplane. 

They stepped foot into a different airport — in a different location. People embraced their families, lovers were reunited, people walked to find their luggage on their lonesome. 

"You did it Marley," Alexander exclaimed as they stood in the middle of the airport. 

The blue-eyed man let out a relieved smile. "I can't believe we just did that."

Alexander cupped both of his hands on his lover's face, surprising Marley with a kiss. "Good job." He released his hands from his face, and instead held Marley's left hand, dragging him to collect their luggage.

"God, I love you," Marley beamed.

Once they collected their luggage, they found a taxi to take them to their hotel where they'd be staying for the next week. The streets, the buildings the people — all of it was a new experience. Now that the flight was over, Marley's eyes lit up with excitement as he looked out the window of the taxi.

A little while after, they arrived in front of the big building, and checked in. "Woah," Marley's eyes glimmered, "this room is massive." He ran excitedly to the big sliding doors which led to a balcony. "Look at the view!"

"It's beautiful," Xander agreed.

"When should we leave to find your parents?" Marley asked as they stood out on the balcony together.

"It's still early we can wait a while longer," Alexander was secretly anxious to go see them after years. "How about going to a cafe?"

"Sounds good to me," Marley agreed.

So the two went to a local cafe near the hotel, enjoying their food whilst taking their time. The dark-haired man knew he would be scared after all this time, but as the seconds drew nearer to him coming face to face with them, anxiety started building up inside his body. -



Hello! I apologise deeply that I'm updating very slowly. Just know that I won't drop this story or anything so bear with me. 

Also there is something I want to point out that I noticed throughout the story that I would just like to clear up, it's a very minor thing and it doesn't really matter but anyway. Marley canonically doesn't have blond hair and I know I say it's golden but it's  a golden-red, or 'Titan' red. He has red hair 🙌.  It says that in a recent chapter but I thought I'd restate it just in case. Anyway, like I said, doesn't really matter because you all create Marley differently in your head and that's fine, but I'd just like to put that out there. 

Sorry for the confusion if anyone was a bit concerned as to why I wrote two different things. Anyway, I will continue to write it as golden or sometimes red.

Thanks for 2K reads by the way <3

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