Chapter 9

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The two drove home in comfortable silence. Alexander quietly looked out the window with his eyes red from crying. He felt safe in Marley's presence.  He couldn't believe what he had done a few moments ago.  Alexander crying on someone like that wasn't familiar.

A few minutes later, they arrived. Marley opened the front door with his keys quietly. He wasn't sure if Bonnie and Shai were asleep. Bonnie sat on the couch, trying to get Shai to sleep. Shai cried as Marley's sister held her.

"Hey, Bonnie," Marley greeted.

Alexander closed the door behind them, his gaze softening at the crying baby. "Hey, Marley. Sorry, Shai wouldn't go to bed," Bonnie replied.

Marley took Shai from Bonnie, rocking her. "Hey, princess. It's okay. I'm here now."

Bonnie smiled. "I never thought I'd see the day when you're looking after a child."

Marley chuckled. "Neither did I. Well, not for a few years from now, at least."

Shai looked over Marley's shoulder, staring at Alexander. She stretched her arms out towards him. Alexander didn't notice and sat down on the couch. Shai whined as she looked at the dark-haired male.

Marley took notice, passing her to Alexander. "She wants you," he smiled.

His eyes widened softly, grabbed Shai gently. He rubbed her cheek with a hand softly. She giggled at the touch, holding onto his hand. She reached for his glasses, continuing to giggle. Shai's arms, however, couldn't get it.

"Hey, are you trying to grab my glasses?" he smiled. Shai laughed, stretching her little arms up.

Bonnie stood by Marley's side, watching the two bond. "He's good with kids," Bonnie whispered. "Does he have some of his own?"

"No," Marley whispered back. "He had a younger brother, which he looked after often."

"Ah, okay. When did you meet him?"

"At work one day. He's a colleague, but I never paid much attention to him. So, one day we hung out and here we are," Marley smiled.

"Does he hang out with you and Shai a bit then?"

"Yeah. Shai loves him, and he loves her."

Bonnie smirked. "Do you love him?"

Marley's eyes widened, and he looked at her with his head tilted. "Bonnie," he chuckled, punching her playfully.

"So, do you?"

"No. I mean, we just met.  He's straight too."

"I see."

Shai slowly drifted off to sleep in Alexander's arms. She curled herself up, leaning against Alexander. "Marley," the dark-haired man spoke.

"What's up?" he replied, walking to him. "Ah, she fell asleep. I'll take her to her bed then."

Marley went into his room, getting her ready for bed. "I'm glad Marley met you," Bonnie said out of nowhere.


"He's having a hard time with his other friends, so I bet he appreciates you being here."

Alexander sighed, looking to the ground. "But if I weren't here in the first place, he'd still be great friends with all of them."

"What do you mean?"

"Ever since we met, his friends have treated him like shit. They don't like me, so when they see I'm hanging around Marley instead of them, they become assholes."

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