Chapter 32

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Alexander and Marley were sad for it was the last day of their holiday. There were so many new things they had explored and many fears had been overcome, but it was now narrowing down to the last few hours before they had to leave for the airport. 

The dark-haired man hadn't received any messages from his father since they got into an argument. Even after all those years, his parents still hadn't changed — and Alexander knew very well that they never would have. They're still the same unsupportive nagging parents that Alexander grew up with. 

"Find us a table and I'll order our food," Marley beamed at his lover. 

The golden-haired man insisted they went out for breakfast one last time before they left. So, they found a small coffee shop near the streets of their hotel. Alexander found a spot by the window which you could see the many people walking along the streets. 

This trip was a great bonding experience for Alexander and Marley. It helped them become closer as they faced their fears together. However, not everything was perfect. Alexander still had his worries about their relationship. He trusts Marley with all his heart, but what if there's something else that tears them apart? What if Marley prefers them as friends and then they can never be the same as before? What if they have a big fight that splits them apart?

"You sad that it's our last day?" Marley asked as he took the seat opposite Alexander which broke him out of his thoughts. 

"Yeah, I'll miss it here," the dark-haired man truthfully said.

"Me too," Marley agreed, "but I am getting homesick now."

Alexander hummed in agreement. "I have to pack when I get home," he groaned.

The golden-haired man's eyebrow raised. "You mean unpack?"

"No, I mean pack. I have to pack my things from my flat so I can move in with you."

Marley laughed at his own stupidity. He saw a piece of his hair fell from his low bun and he tucked it behind his ear before he leant his head upon his hand with his usual warm smile playing on his lips. "I can't wait. Would you like me to help you pack?" 

"I can manage. I've only got a few things of mine to pack. The flat provides the furniture and everything."

"Okay, Love," Marley held Alexander's right hand in his onto of the table. "Are you excited to tell our friends about us when we get back?"

"'Our friends?'" Alexander cocked his head to the left. 

"Yeah," Marley smiled, "Carter, Amara, Henry and April..."

"But they're your friends," Alexander furrowed his brows with confusion. 

"Xander," he looked into his deep brown eyes, "They're our friends. Any friend of mine is a friend of yours."

The dark-haired man smiled slightly as he looked away from his lover. "Thanks, Marley."

The golden-haired man could only beam brighter when he saw Alexander smile. It eased his heart seeing a soft expression on his lover's face when its usual state is a frown with furrowed brows. "We should all have dinner together at a restaurant when we get back."

"I'd like that."

The two had their food served and they ate it together as they made pleasant conversations. Marley checked the time, and saw that it was now time for them to go back to their hotel so they could get a cab to the airport. 

Alexander checked his phone in the cab. There was not a single recent message from the man that he ever so despised. He had informed his father when he would leave the country before he had arrived, but it didn't matter if he told him or not. The dark-haired man sighed as he shoved his phone back into his pocket. I can't believe I travelled here for them. 

"Alexander?" Marley put his hand on top of his boyfriend's with a concerned look on his face. "Is everything okay?"

The brown-eyed man lifted his fingers through Marleys and grabbed ahold of them so their hands intertwined. "It's just my dad. He hasn't even bothered to say anything even though he's well aware we're leaving today." He gazed at the carseat in front of him, "We came here because he asked and he doesn't care about it at all. They're such selfish people, Marley."

Marley hummed gently as he held onto Alexander's hand tighter. "They have no right to treat you like that. You're their son."

"I'm sick of listening to them," Alexander looked into Marley's eyes, "I don't want to listen to anything they have to say."

"Good. You shouldn't have to," Marley pulled their hands up and he kissed Alexander's knuckles gently. 

The dark-haired man leaned his head against Marley's shoulder as he closed his eyes. He didn't say anything — and he didn't need to.  Marley understood he disliked his parents very much, and he just needed to be by his side to comfort him.  

The golden-haired man closed his eyes tightly when they took off like he had done the first time.  This time it was Alexander's turn to comfort his lover by intertwining their arms as the dark-haired man silently read a book. "Xander..." Marley tried to grab Alexander's attention. The brown-eyed didn't even flinch. His eyes stayed glued to the book, oblivious as to what was around him. "Xander!" he said louder this time. 

"What?" the man slowly looked to his left where his lover sat. The blue-eyed man placed his left hand on the right side of Alexander's face and he pulled him close so that their lips could touch. It caught Alexander off guard but he slowly eased into as he leaned against Marley's palm. His eyes fluttered open a crack to see Marley still holding their kiss and not stopping for a break anytime soon. He smiled at the sight before shutting his eyes closed again. 

Marley pulled away, but only by a few inches. "What's so funny?" the golden-haired man chuckled.

"Nothing," Alexander pulled further away, picking up his book again, "you're just cute."

His lover blushed at the sudden compliment. "Since when have you become the flirt?"

Alexander rolled his eyes. "Shut up, I'll take it back."

"I'll be quiet then," Marley laughed. He put on a movie for himself to watch and they both peacefully enjoyed the plane ride back home, enjoying the company of one another even if they didn't exchange words. 


Their lovey doveyness is killing me omg 🤧

I hope anyone who reads this can bare the very slow updates. I don't have a lot of time to write so apologies.

This is a filler chapter so not much is going down right now I know. I will try to make more quality chapters in the future, I was rushing a bit to get something out because it has been so long. 

Anywho, bye bye 👋

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