Chapter 25

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"What's for dinner?" Marley chuckled from the living to Alexander, who had just had a shower.

Alexander rolled his eyes as walked into the kitchen. "I'll see what's in the pantry." Shai giggled while Marley kept her company. "God, there's nothing in here, Marley. I'm going to have to run down to the shops."

"Do you need me to come?"

"It's okay. I'm sure I can manage ten minutes without seeing your face," Alexander smiled.

"Alright then," Marley chuckled, "drive safely."

Alexander nodded, making his way out of the front door. Marley rubbed Shai's cheek, making her giggle. A couple of minutes a knock was heard at the door. "Coming!"

"Hey, Marley," Bonnie smiled. She noticed Shai playing in the living room, and a smile was brought to her face.

"Hey, come in."

Bonnie sat on the couch, having a quick look around. "Where's Alexander?"

Marley's face turned red. "H-He doesn't live here, you know!"

His sister smirked then her gaze switched to the child before them. "I've been thinking, Marley..."

"Are you ready to take care of Shai?" Marley asked.

Bonnie hummed, not exactly knowing what was best to do. "It's been quite a long time now. I mean, Shai's growing up, and as her biological mother, I need to be there for her. I want her to have a better childhood than we had."

"Me too," Marley smiled. "Just because you're going to start taking care of her, doesn't mean I won't spoil her."

Bonnie laughed, picking up Shai from the ground and holding her in her arms. "You and Alexander will always be her favourite uncles."

"He's claimed the name 'Papa,' so if you ever find yourself a new boyfriend, make sure he doesn't steal his title."

"I'll make sure," she smiled.

"When will you take her back?"

"I'll give her a few days. Work is busy for a couple of days, so afterwards I'll take her home." 

The two played with Shai on the carpeted floor in the living room, discussing things further as they played.

A knock was heard on the front door, followed by a familiar voice calling out. "Marley I'm home!"

The golden-haired man opened the door for his lover, seeing bags of food in his hands. "That was quick."

"Figured you'd miss me if I were out for too long-" he spotted Bonnie on the sofa, smiling at him. "Oh, hey, Bonnie. Didn't see you there."

"Hey, Alexander. You're his cook now?"

He chuckled, "Yup, he won't let me leave his house. I've become his personal cook."

Bonnie laughed, "Being forced to call this your home too?"

"Uh-" Alexander paused, his face going red. He stayed silent, not knowing how to respond.

"It wouldn't be home without my cook, now would it?" Marley grinned.

"I don't want to impose on anything, but are you two dating? I'm sorry if I've misjudged the situation, but you two act like a couple."

Marley remained silent, not knowing what to say. He didn't want to confirm Bonnie's suspicions in case his lover wasn't okay with it. So, he stayed still making the situation awkward. "Yeah," Alexander smiled. "We're dating."

"Y-You are?" Bonnie smiled. Marley's eyes widened, surprised his lover came clean. "I'm so happy for you two."

Alexander returned the smile, relieved telling her went okay. "Yeah, I love him a lot."

Marley blushed, grinning widely at his lover. "I'm so proud of you for telling someone." He gently kissed his lover's face. 

"Have you told Evander? I bet he'll be very happy to hear the news."

"No," Marley began, "we will tell him, but Xander is still processing everything so he needs time."

Bonnie smiled warmly, "Well, I'm glad you return Marley's feelings, Alexander because I did not want to have to deal with him if he had been rejected. He may be smiley most of the time, but when something truly upsets him, he becomes a crybaby."

"I do not!"

Alexander laughed, being interrupted by a text notification on Marley's phone. The brown-haired man picked it up from the table, handing it to his partner. "It's Carter."

"Oh, wonder what he wants," Marley questioned. He read through his good friend's text, chuckling. 

"What did he say?" Alexander asked curiously.

"He apologised for talking about your 'girlfriend' in front of me because he knew I liked you before."

Alexander smiled, shaking his head. "We'll have to tell him soon."

Bonnie looked at the two, smiling as she saw how happy they made each other. She hadn't seen her brother look so happy in a while. "I should head home," Bonnie picked up her bag as she walked to the door. 

"Are you sure?" Marley asked. "You're more than welcome to stay for dinner."

"It's okay," she smiled, "you two have fun."

"Okay, I'll walk you out then."

As the golden-haired man walked Bonnie to her car, Alexander started to prepare dinner. Shortly, the front door closed and in came his lover. "So, did you guys talk about Shai?"

"We did," Marley said, picking up the child who smiled. "She's going to take her back home in a few days."

"I see," Alexander hummed as he chopped up vegetables. Marley set down Shai, and walked to the kitchen, sneaking up behind Alexander. He wrapped his arms around his waist from behind, leaning his head on Alexander's back. "M-Marley?"

"I love you, Xander. You're so good to me."

"A-Ah, I'm not that great. I mean, we had a horrible fight because of me not so long ago."

"We made up, didn't we? We're going to fight sometimes—that's just how it works when you're dating someone." Marley dug his head into Alexander's back. "Always be honest with me, Xander. If you're mad at something I've done, tell me." 

The brown-haired man put down the knife he was using and turned to face his lover. "Okay," he hugged Marley, "I will."

The blue-eyed man returned the embrace, sinking his head deep into Alexander's shoulder. "I want to tell you more about me later, is that okay?"

"Yes, of course it's okay."


The golden-haired man released his arms from Alexander, pointing his gaze to the child in the living room. "Coming, Shai," he smiled.

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