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Raven slowly opened her eyes the next morning. As the sun hit her eyeballs Raven instantly squinted them shut again. Just to open them again in confusion. The light never hit her from the left, her bedroom windows were to the right of her bed. Raven slowly became aware of her unfamiliar surroundings. She was lying in a bed that was not hers wearing a shirt that did not smell like her detergent or herself and could not instantly remember how she had gotten there. Panic kicked in. But then her brain started working properly: She remembered the evening, how she was really tired, how John had offered to drive her and how the last thing she looked at was the cloudy night sky above Manchester. She concluded that she must be in John's apartment. And she did not want to think about the possibility of a different scenario.

Carefully Raven got out of the big bed and started looking for her phone. She spotted her small bag on an armchair where it lay together with her white jumpsuit and her heels. She grabbed the bag and pulled out her phone. It was a few minutes after eight. And then Raven started debating what to do next. Should she just leave a note and go home? Or should she wait for John to wake up? Before she could think of a third option she heard someone cursing in the flat.

When she entered the kitchen Raven was greeted by the smell of pancakes and coffee, the sound of Ed Sheeran songs and John who was holding his hand under running water.

'Did you burn yourself?' Raven asked which made John jump ever so slightly.

'Yeah.' He pressed through clenched teeth.

Raven walked over to the tall man and extended her hand towards his: 'Let me take a look.'

John let the young woman take his hand. 'I didn't know you were a nurse.' He joked.

'I'm definitely not, but I've got two brothers who are eleven years younger than me and did not like to listen to adults when they were even younger. Do you have a cold pad and a tea towel?'

'Sure.' John answered and went through his kitchen cupboards. He pulled out a chequered tea towel and a blue cold pad and then handed them to Raven. She carefully wrapped up the cold pad in the towel and put it on John's burned hand. 'Hold it there until it's no longer cold. And if your hand still hurts or looks weird by tomorrow, tell your medical staff.'

'Will do. Are you staying for breakfast?' He responded pointing at two cups of coffee and plates of pancakes on the kitchen counter.

'Sure, why not.'

'These are actually decent.' Raven said taking another bite of her pancakes with maple syrup.


'Do you cook a lot?' Raven asked and leaned back in her chair, taking in the view from John's balcony.

'Not really. It takes time and that's one of the things I can rarely spare.' John answered and leaned back in his chair and took another sip of his black coffee.

'Yeah, I get that. I used to cook a lot with Gareth when I was younger but ever since I started the charity ... It takes up most of my time.' Raven loved her job but sometimes she really missed living with her mom, going to school every day and spending time on her hobbies.

'You work a lot. Maybe a bit too much?' John questioned.

'Maybe ... I don't know. It's just that ... I love the charity and it's my dream come true. And then there's also gaming. But sometimes ... sometimes it feels like I've given up my whole life for it.' Raven closed her eyes. It hurt to think like that. She knew that she should be grateful to enjoy her life, to not have to worry about money and to be happy at work. But that did not change the fact that she sometimes felt like it was all too much.

'Hey.' John said softly and put his hand on Raven's arm. Tears had started streaming down her face and she was now staring into the distance.

The pair sat in silence for a few minutes, maybe more. Only the noise of the odd car driving by and the singing of the birds could be heard.

'When did you last take some time off? No working at all.' John asked.

'Not sure. Maybe ... two years ago. We went to Ibiza for Brooke's 18th birthday. We rented this amazing house by the beach together with a few friends. We spent a week there and did lots of surfing, hiking or just chilled by the pool.'

'You surf?'

'I used to. I don't think I even came close to touching a board in the last two years.'

'And why haven't you taken some time off in the last years?' John inquired.

'I just feel like I'd be letting everyone down.'

'By taking some time for yourself? Raven, no one can go through life without relaxing every now and then. And I bet your employees could manage the whole thing for a few days.'

'It's just ... The charity is my baby, it's what I've given everything I could for.'

'And I'm sure that's why it's winning awards. But a few days off won't cause it to burn to the ground.'

'Maybe. But I don't even know where I would go.'

'You could just go home. I bet your family would love that.' John suggested.

Raven smiled at the thought of her family. She loved them more than anything in this world.

'Easter break starts next Wednesday. I could visit them for a few days.'

'Make it a week. Just try to relax for a bit.'

Raven was seriously considering the option: 'I'd have to ask Leslie to cover for me. And I need to cancel training. And I should probably call Mom and Gareth.'

'So you're taking my advice?' John asked astounded by his effect on Raven.

'Yeah, looks like it. Thanks for breakfast and 'driving me home'. See ya!' Raven said with a smile on her lips and determination in her eyes. She got up from her seat, gave John a quick hug and walked back inside. Inside the guest bedroom, she put her jumpsuit back on, slipped into her heels and walked to the front door.

'Have a good day ... and a nice vacation.' John told Raven and handed her last night's award.

'You too, John. And take care of your hand. Bye!' Raven said, opened the door and left the flat.

Different Games // John StonesWhere stories live. Discover now