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The next time Raven opened her eyes, she was still on her sofa but she was laying down and something warm was behind her. And an arm had wrapped around her waist, and his hand rested on her belly.

Raven remembered the evening before and the smell of fresh shower gel confirmed her suspicions: John and her had fallen asleep on the sofa.

She listened to his steady breathing for a bit and closed her eyes again. It felt weirdly familiar to lay in his arms. It made her feel safe knowing John was there, for her.

A few minutes later Billie came strutting into Raven's view. He stopped, tilted his head a little and seemed to try to analyse the scene in front of him. But then he decided that he didn't really care, jumped onto the sofa and laid down right next to Raven's hand. He looked up at her. Raven knew exactly what he was waiting for. So she flexed her hand quickly and started gliding it through the white cat's fluffy fur. The purring immediately started and put a little smile on Raven's face.

Raven felt that John woke up when he shifted his body behind hers, his hand never leaving her waist. The young woman did not say anything. She did not want to destroy the moment that seemed so blissful to her.

'Morning.' John said as he spotted Raven's hand petting Billie. The rasp of his voice which was little louder than a whisper send shivers through Raven's entire body and made her mind go places she did not want it to at that moment.

'Morning.' She just whispered back and tried to concentrate on Billie.

John lifted his hand off of her waist and reached over her to rub behind Billie's ears. The cat seemed to very much enjoyed having the attention of two humans at once.

'When did you wake up?'

'I don't really know. Maybe ten minutes ago. Did you sleep okay?'

'Like a baby.' John said as his hand brushed against Raven's. She stopped moving; her whole body seemed to freeze. The air around them felt heavy and neither of them seemed to dare to breathe. Then she carefully extended her little finger and put it on top of his thumb.

'You want to stay for breakfast?' Raven asked.

'I'd love to.'

An hour later they sat down at the dining table. None of them really knew what to say as Raven ate her Muesli and John concentrated on eating his avocado toast.

'I should tell you something.' Raven said but kept on looking at the bowl in front of her.

John stayed quiet and waited for her to continue.

Raven took a deep breath: 'I don't really let people in. I have these walls that I built up as a kid and my brain thinks it's important to keep them up at all times. I just wanted to tell you this because I know I tend to push people away with what I do and what I say. And I really don't want you to think that I don't like you, John, because I do. But these are mechanisms that have been in place for most of my life and I can't just stop them. They are a part of me and I'll try to let you get close but I know that I can't open up to you like other women can. I'm complicated.'

'You like me?' John asked. Raven tilted her head up and looked into his eyes which looked as blue as the ocean at that moment.

'Yeah, but did you understand what I just –'

'Raven, it's okay. We all have our own demons. And whatever you tell me will not make me like you any less. Because I like you too, Raven Finney.' John said and put his hand on top of Raven's left one.

Out reflex she jerked it back: 'This is exactly what I mean. And it won't go away overnight.'

'We have all the time in the world. And we can take it at your pace, okay?' John asked as he kept looking at Raven.

'Okay.' She said and a light smile spread on her lips and even reached her eyes. She had never met a man so understanding although he probably did not understand what exactly he was getting himself into.

'And I'm gonna see you on Saturday?' John asked while he was putting on his shoes. Raven was leaning against the wall and watching him do it.

'You could come here after the game.'

'And you could come to the game.'

'Do you want me to?'

'Always.' John said. He stood right in front of Raven now.

'Then I'll be watching from the stands.' Raven responded and wrapped her arms around John's upper body.

'Sounds great. And maybe I can score a goal for you live this time.'

'You know you're not a striker, right?' Raven laughed.

'Yes, but I still like to score.'

'I'll watch you try then. Enjoy the rest of your day, John.'

'You too. See you on Saturday' John said as they ended their little goodbye hug. He smiled at her one more time before turning around and leaving her apartment.

Raven closed her front door after he had left. She leaned her back against it, took a deep breath, smiled and shook her head at her own behaviour; she was acting like a teenager with a crush.

Different Games // John StonesWhere stories live. Discover now