2. What Faith Truly Means, When You Were Born Godless?

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-"The next story is called: "What Faith Truly Means, When You Were Born Godless?"
Albedo, Kaeya and Dainsleif look away from the screen.

Kaeya pays no heed to the cold of the accursed mountain, nor does he regard its furious blizzard as he screams amidst the howling winds.
He chucks, one, two, then a dozen more ancient vases and trinkets of whatever civilisation that had resided in Dragonspine on to the mountain's Statue of the Seven, that is, Barbatos'.
He screams again, and again, and again, in anger, mourning, disappointment, shame, and Archons know whatever else he feels.
He hates it all.

-Oh.... -Kaeya realizes what this is going to be.
Zhongli looks at Venti who smiles knowingly.

Kaeya never asked to go to Monstadt, he never requested to infiltrated the city, he never wanted to leave his ... progenitor, for he could not call him father, but...

... But, he never wished to lose Fathe—, no, Master Crepus, nor did he ever wish for Diluc to go.
That was why he came clean, that was why he confessed to Diluc; he loved them, he really do, yet...

Diluc looks down at the floor.
-Wait! Mr.Kaeya is not from Monstadt? - Noelle looks suprised.
-Yeah... I'm not from here -Kaeya chukles.

Kaeya's shrieks have gone hoarse and he rages again, the Archon-given Vision used to desecrate a fellow Archon. The Statue chips, but the young Alberich's fury abates not, yet.
His legs collapse and Kaeya falls, kneeling in front of the frozen Statue. He whimpers,
"He... he said that you bestow your blessings, your o-oath to freedom to everyone, even ... me," The blunette sobs openly now, fists banging on the feet of the Statue.

Barbara almost says something but Rosaria puts a hand on her shoulder and stops her.

If-if so, should we not have freedom from danger? If he's right...," whispers Kaeya now, almost silent as he weeps for his foster father, voice swallowed by the unforgiving winds of Dragonspine, "Why... why must he die?"
The Knight cries into his palms, rage smothered by the outpouring of grief and loss, sobbing for seemed like hours.
Nevertheless, time marches on, and Kaeya eventually stops. Willing the frozen tears on his face to melt, he composes himself, interrupted only by the occasional sniffle while he prepares to trek down the mountain.
Yet, before he could leave, something stirs; the knight feels that the atmosphere has changed somehow. He looks around to no avail, and it is then that he recognises the winds dying down. His divided attention is also why he barely misses the sudden glow of the Statue of Barbatos.

-Wait? What?! -The Sumeru schoolars says.
-I never seen something like that -Sara mutters.
Zhongli looks at Venti like he has just seen a ghost.

Kaeya steps back, then a couple more. Had... had the God of Anemo truly heard him? An Archon would not pay attention to such blasphemous and insincere demands, right?
An imperceptibly long moment passes between his thoughts and the whistling noise of a gentle breeze in the ethereal, alien, and downright unnatural calm of Dragonspine.
Then, Kaeya hears a voice, like a whisper in the breeze, and yet clear, as the rushing winds in a hurricane,
"He is not wrong, o Kaeya of Khaenri'ah; you are also a child of the wind, one amongst the countless inhabitants of this land, and freedom is an ideal you have now believed in too,"

-Khaenri'ah? What is that? -Charlotte asks.
-It was a nation that got distroyed by Celestia 500 years ago -Zhongli says.
-Zhongli the  all knowing -Hu tao jokes.

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