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-Today we are going to react to one of my favorite pairs! -The narrator seems to look uncomfortable knowing that the chance that they are going to get hate for the ship is atleast 70%.

-Oh! Like romance! I wonder who is the pair - Charlotte says.

-First there are going to be some pictures then scenarios that happened.

-First there are going to be some pictures then scenarios that happened

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-Wait is that Rex Lapis?! - Keqing asks.
-Ah it's been a while since i have seen this - Madame Ping smiles. The other adepti nod to that.
-Wait what is that thing with Morax? - a Fatui underling asks.
-Thing?! - Xiao seems to be aout for blood.
Dvalin and Andrius look angry too.
-Those mortals don't even recognize Barbatos? - Cloudretriner says.
-Barbatos?! - A lot of people look suprised.
-Yeah that is Barbatos im his elemental wisp form - Mountainshaper says.

-Okay this is really cute - Lisa says while looking at Venti and Zhongli

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-Okay this is really cute - Lisa says while looking at Venti and Zhongli.
-Did Barbatos hit Rex Lapis with an apple? - Jean looks shocked but smiles.
You could hear Hu tao and Childe laughing.

You could hear Hu tao and Childe laughing

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-When was this taken? - Murata asks.
-At the first archon meeting after the war - Xiao says.
- Morax looked at Barbatos like he was the sun - Ganyu says bc she was at the meeting too.
-They are soo cute - Klee says while jumping.

-They are soo cute - Klee says while jumping

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-This looks cool! - Itto pumps his fist.
Sounds of agreement could be heard around the room.

-Now were going to change to scenarios but after that i'm going to revel something

Those who know Venti's and Zhongli's identity look at eachother. Venti and Zhongli just look at eachother smileing.

-I guess it's true that some archons are childish - A fatui diplomat says.
-And some people are stupid fatui who have nothing in their brain - Barbatos says.

-Wow - Childe says.
-Oh I remember that - The Tsaritsa looks a little ashemed.
-What happened? - Cyno asks.
-It was an archon meeting like 500 years ago and The Tsaritsa bought some fatui diplomats so we can build an alienc. The first hour was fine but then Barbatos hugged The Tsaritsa and one of the Fatui almost shot his wings - some people gasp - Barbatos just stuck his tounge out at him and then this converation happened - Folcalors says.

Characters from different nations who where guided by Barbatos

-Oh this is gonna be intresting! - Kaveh smiles.

Vannesse (Natlan)
-Can i add your name to my sangs this time? - Barbatos asks.
-I'm happy to be a part of your song ##### - Vanesse says.

-Hey! Why was that name crossed out? - A sumeru schoolar asks.
-That is Barbatos's mortal name and i don't wanna tell it yet

Xiao (Liyue)
-Thanks to his help thing have been a lot more stable than before
-It's good to take the mask off once in a while

-Awww - Yanfei and Ganyu coo. Xiao look a little red. Zhongli smiles.

Dvorak (Fontaine)
-I prayed for the Anemo Archons guidenc and the wind was guiding me in the direction of Liyue

-Dvorak?! - One of the Fontaine musicans look suprised. Dvorak just smiles knowing if he gets the identity of the Anemo archon he can thank him.

Barbatos gave up his gnosis because he still loves the Tsaritsa as his old friend and he knew that her harbringers where the only thing that made her smile like the old times. So he gave up his gnosis to make her smile againg after 500 years.

-Don't make me cry dam it - Murata says while rubbing her eyes.
-Barbatos......- Tsaritsa looks at Venti who just gives her a smile. The Tsaritsa returns the smile.
-What is a gnosis? - Ningguang asks.
-Its a chess piec that connects the archons to Celestia

##### getting ready to drop the biggest tea in history but remembers who is watching:
-Also- ##### starts.
-I don't know...

The traveler groan. Paimon just hugs them.

-Okay i think this is time i revel his identity

The other gods are seen on the screen.
-You where on of us remember
Venti is seen on a mountain.
- I Don't need god

The nuns from the church gasp.
-How can you say that?!

-Beacuse i'm him - Venti is seen changing into his archon clothes.

Everyone exept those who know his identity look shocked.
-Ehe! - Venti blushes a little as everyone is looking at him.
Chaose breaks out.
-Oh my archons! I said that to Lord Barbatos! -Barbara panics.
-It's fine Barbara - Venti smiles at her.
The people calm down.

Heyyo everyone:D
The next chapter is either going to be Bennett or thing that are cannon in my au(^~^)
Words: 759

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