3.Finders Keepers

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-The next one is called Finders Keepers -The narrator said.

Sara has no idea how she ended up here.

-Sara this is about you! -Kokomi said.

She's a Taishou of the Eternal Inazuma Bakufu, an officer of the Kujou Clan and Tenryou Commission, a Tengu warrior.
She shouldn't be searching for children in damp and litter filled alleyways, let alone decide to keep them for herself.
Granted, there shouldn't be children in damp and litter filled alleyways in the first place, and it is her duty to ensure the safety and well-being of all people in the Almighty Shogun's domain, but still, she's relatively sure this isn't technically part of her job description.

-Wait, children? - Heizou asks.
-I have no information on children living like that - Ei says.
Sara looks away emberessed.

The first time she'd encountered the child in question, she'd been dealing with that lout Arataki being a public nuisance and the accompanying noise complaint for what must've been the fifteenth time that month, when a small rock had flown out of the alleyway and hit him in the head.
"Be silent. I'm trying to sleep in here!" had rung out, and the Oni had stopped arguing to look. It'd been just the opening she'd needed to restrain him and move him somewhere else to give him a citation for being a public disturbance.

-Wait, sleeping? Don't tell me its who i think it is - Ayato looks at Ayaka
-It is - Ayaka just smiles amused.

It'd been unmistakably the voice of a child, though. She'd made her way back to look. If nothing else, the child deserved a commendation for her diligence in helping her ensure that Hanamizaka remains a place of peace and quiet.
(If she was worried about the fact that a child was seemingly sleeping in an alleyway, well, perhaps that was a factor too.)
She finds nothing. Not even the slightest trace. She'd think herself to have imagined the whole thing if she didn't see the rock physically hit Arataki's head.
When she tells Kokomi about it, the next time they are free to spend time together, she kisses the corner of Sara's mouth, hugs her, and tells her that she's wonderful for worrying.
That doesn't do anything for Sara's worry, though. Failing to find the child means that the child is still sleeping in some alleyway.
That makes Sara lose her own sleep.

-You where so worried - Kokomi laughts.
-Wait! Kokomi and Sara are together? - Kirara asks.
-Yeah for about 6 months now  - Gorou answers.

The next time, Naganohara has just held one of her firework festivals.
As enchanting as the fireworks are, and as captivating as they are, the truth is that Sara finds them slightly uncomfortable. They are loud, and bright, and they make her head hurt.
She has made a habit out of hiding away on the outskirts of the crowds, close enough to watch, but as far away from the noise and spectacle as possible.
It's as the performance finally dies down, and the crowds starts to scatter back to their homes, that she hears the whisper carried in the air.
"Aaah. Finally some peace and quiet."
It's the same voice she remembers from before, and her head snaps in its direction.
Yet again, an alleyway.

Ayato galences at the sleeping form of Sayu who was sleeping on the lap of  Yoimiya.

When she enters, she finds the child, short and tired-looking, rubbing her eyes and preparing a blanket on the ground.
A mujina? No, Mujina don't have ears on their hoods. A curious outfit, then. "Greetings. I have come to inquire about your wellbeing."
The child jumps and spins around, eyes widening in fear.

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