4.did i miss it? (Was it a huge mistake)

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-The next one is called "did i miss it? (Was it a huge mistake)" its gonna be about Noelle

-Huh? About me? - Noelle looks suprised.
-It's gonna be good if it's about you - Barbara says.

Noelle didn't want a Geo vision.

-Why? - Ganyu asks, suprised.
- I'm sure the story will explain Miss - Noelle says whit her head bowed down.

Not that she was ungrateful don't get her wrong. She was thankful for getting a vision, all the heroes have visions.
But, she didn't want, geo. Noelle wanted anemo, she wanted the notice of the anemo god.
Which is why she finds irony in her current dilemma. She'd been tasked with making deliveries by Jean.

-Oh dear - Lisa pats Noelle's hair.
Jean looks a little guilty.

One of which happened to be in Liyue harbor only days after the death of Rex Lapis.

-So it happened a few months ago - Yanfei says.

Now to be honest, she doesn't know how to feel about this death. If her patron is truly dead, shouldn't her vision fade? Maybe it's supposed to but hers didn't?

-Yeah i was suprised to, if i know right there are suposed to be things that change till a new archon takes the place of the old one - Albedo says.
-Now that you think about it something was suposed to happen to Liyue cus Rex Lapis died - Charlotte says.
-But nothing happened? - Chongyun says.
-It's weird... - Xingque says.

Noelle takes a breath she's doing that thing Lisa calls "Spiralling," or as Klee says "Bad thoughts town."
She knocks on the door of the, Wangsheng Funeral Parlor. A package from someone, (Venti she thinks? The handwriting is terrible-).

-Hey! My handwriting is good - Venti pouts.
The other archons laugh a little at that.

The door opens after a few seconds and a tall black haired man looks down at her.
Noelle holds the package in one hand Doing a small knights salute (Jean said to do it well delivering this particular package).
"A delivery from Mondstat sir."
He hums, Picking the package up from her. A scoff as he reads the name, "Thank you dear," He steps inside the building the door staying open.
He glances back to see her awkwardly standing there, "Well come inside, you look like you could use a rest."
She nods not wanting to embarrass herself or the man.

-Ever heard of Stranger danger? - Yae miko says while laughting at her own joke.
Noelle looks away emberessed.
-Sorry, but not everyone is like that old man
Zhongli glares at Yae miko. After that he pats Noelles head like Lisa. (Noelle is between Zhongli and Lisa)

As she steps into the funeral parlor a sense of calm falls over her. As if the parlor was a home away from home that she'd never been too.
"The Wangsheng Funeral Parlor is said to have a calming affect, it's helpful for mourner's." The man explains as if he read Noelle's mind.
"Its quite, nice, very comfortable." She notices a Geo vision on the man's back and feels, almost sad. What luck he must have to be blessed by his archon.
There's a small room off to the side on the main area the two settle into. A comfortable conversation about anything and everything goes on as they make tea, test it, drink it.
She learns the mans name is Zhongli and the parlor has been passed down to him. She also learns he was performing the funeral ritual for Rex Lapis.

Venti and The Tsaritsa laugh a little at that. The people look weird at Venti while they look shocjed at The Tsaritsa.

When Noelle glances out the window the night is almost started and she knows she needs to leave.
"Oh dear, I'm sorry Zhongli I have to go. I have more letters to deliver." She says getting up from her chair, placing heeling empty tea cup down.
Zhongli nods, "Let me lead you out then."
Zhongli stops her before she leaves telling her a sentence she'll never forget, that's stuck in her mind with the odd kindness. That she'll repeat on bad days, when she "Spirals" or is in "Bad Thoughts Town."
"I'm proud of you Noelle, Rex Lapis would be too."
And the door shuts and Noelle is left to be confused outside the funeral parlor.

-Noelle - Ninguang says. - I'm sure what Mr.Zhongli said is true - She smiles a little.
-Thank you Lady Ningguang - Noelle bows a little.

Later after she returns to Mondstat she still has the sentence stuck in her mind.
When she delivers a letter in town to a Venti, (It seems familiar but she can't tell why). He asks her, "Did you deliver my message to Zhongli? It was pretty important."
She nods, "It was delivered on time."

He lets out a laugh, one that brushes past her ear like a breeze. "Hope that old geezer didn't bore you with his stories." He says it without any mean undertones, as if he really hopes she didn't get bored.
"He was a nice man, I thought his stories where very interesting." Noelle says.
"Well thank you for delivering it" With his hand on the door, about to close it he says, in a lower voice, "He really is proud of you Noelle."
The door is shut and Noelle is left outside. Wondering.

-Venti you gave Noelle a scare! -Jean says.
-What? I only told the truth? - Venti smiles and pats Zhonglis shoulder.
Noelle smiles a little knowing both of their identitys, she didn't know how more people didn't figure it out.


Hey! Hope you enjoyed this story too!
This was short so i'm sorry:(
The author: 4yup on AO3
Words: 949

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