6.Little stories

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-Are just hoing to react to random little stories that happened - The narrator says.

-So you got a boyfriend? - a blue haired man asks.
-Huh? Why? You wanna ask me on a date? - a man with glasses and green hair asks.

-Ohhh - Lisa smirks.
-Wait... Is that Doctor Baizhu?! - Paimon look shocked.
-Wow! I didn't know people asked Doctor Baizhu on dates - Xiangling says.
-It is from the time of the academia, that blue haired man's name is Zandik, he was our classmate before he got expelled - Lisa tells.
-He was known for his "undying" love for Baizhu - Cyno rolls his eyes.

-Maybe, do you have a boyfriend? - Zandik asks.
-You never told me your name
-Why do you wanna know my name? - Baizhu asks but he is smileing.
-Wanna know who I'm looking at - Zandik answers as he smiles too.

-Acually that was smoot - Child says.
Dottore smiles a little to himself. The others don't need to know that he writes letters to Baizhu every week.

-I should head back now- - Yelan thinks to herself.
-This smell! - Yelan's eyes widen.

-No not that - Yelan look away to hide her emberessment.
-What happened? - Shenhe asks.
-Just watch

-It's that guy's smell! - Yelan tugs on the hair of that person yelling wait.
-Do you need something miss? - The person looks at Yelan.
-It's dovtor Baizhu - Yelan's eyes popp out.

-Oh my archons - Someone from Fontsine laughts.
-Really? Poor Baizhu - Ningguang tries the hide her smile.

-I'm sorry doctor! I mistaken you whit someone else - Yelan apologieses.
-No worries. It's quite cold outside, do you want some herb tea? - Baizhu asks.
-No need, I'm on my way to go back!
-I see, then take care miss! - Baizhu waves as Yelan goes away.
-Did she mistaken me whit "Him" - Baizhu thinks.

-Who is "Him"? - Paimon asks.
-No idea, Yelan who did you mistake Doctor Baizhu as? - Chongyun asks.
-Eh, that s"it over there - Yelan points at Pantalone.
The people look at Pantalone.
-Now that you say it, He does look like doctor Baizhu - Yanfei says.

-Not to mention they lost their archon - Morax says.

-Wait, MORAX?! - Kequing yells.
-Well looks like he isn't dead - Hu tao says while looking at Zhongli.

-MY children never caused such trouble, they all became free! - Barbatos says
-Well we can't all be free - Ei says.
-No you son had to try to take my gnosis! - Nahida says.

-Aww thats so cute! Barbatos called the Mondstadt people his children! - Nilou smiles.
-Wait! You have a son who tried to take Kusanali's gnosis? - Murata asks.
-And they have meetings whitout us! - Furina says.

-Go ahead, ruin me. I could give a damn about my reputation in the abyss! - Aether says.
-In Mondstadt? - Dainslef asks.
-The will believe their savior - Aether smirks.

-Yeah we will! - Noelle says.
The soung of comformation comes from the people of Mondstadt.

-What did you get Diona for her birthday? - Klee asks.
-I got her a kitten - Qiqi says.
-Really? Me too! - Klee smiles.
-I also got her a cat - Sayu says.
-Looks like we had the same idea! - Yaoyao  says.
-*Sigh* Kill me. Please tell me you didn't get her a cat aswell - Qiqi says to Nahida.
-I got her a kitten -Nahida says.

Most people just laugh at this.


I know this is short so sorry:(
This contains some of my hcs so if you don't like them pls don't hate.
Words: 578

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