Chapter 1

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My mother was once the most powerful and famous mage in the entire

world. I can say this from personal experience; so, making her angry is an unbearable thought... she can blast a car down our driveway that is well over one hundred yards for example. She had done this after my Auntie's husband "accidentally" knocked out my older brother Lincoln; something that is very hard to do might I add, Lincoln is tough! We all are in our family, but I have been taught to fight and use magic for as long as I can remember.

I got in trouble in school for fighting with Craig, the giant foreheaded idiot and his two bubble-headed followers. I have lost count of the number of times my mother has told me not to fight with kids in school as they haven't been taught how to fight like me, but Craig is a bully, who likes to pick on anyone smaller than him. Boys, girls, he doesn't care as long as he is ahead. His pig-nosed mother takes part in insulting the other mum behind their backs. I have overheard her a few times.

'Look at her, I bet her whole outfit cost £1' she would chuckle to her friends.

If anyone ever confronted her, she would call for her wardrobe-sized husband. He would barrel over and point his hairy finger in the face of anyone who upset his wife and would subtly threaten them. He tried to do this to my mum once, a big mistake on his part! My mother shook the entire school in anger, reminding everyone present that she is Isabella king.

Luckily, that was the last day of school of the year, and the last time we would see anyone from that school in a long time, we are moving to London, today!

I woke up earlier than I normally did today, I listened to my Mum and dad banging about downstairs. Dad is moving boxes around, and Mum is cooking breakfast. The smell of her cooking is wafting upstairs, I think I can smell it more because I can't see anything. I like my room to be dark, I can't sleep otherwise.

It's my birthday today too. I turn 13 today, I get my grimoire too! I don't know what type of grimoire it is yet as I don't know what my natural element is. Your body only starts to develop its natural element when you turn thirteen, so I will find out on the reveal day, Oh the reveal day; The day that every 13-year-old looks forward to the most. It happens once a year in high schools up and down the country. The school that you will be attending that year invites you to attend their reveal day. I don't know what they're like. I've never been to one before. I didn't get to be there for Lincoln's reveal day at the high school he goes to now, they didn't let anyone other than the student, and one parent go.

Lincoln found out he was a fire mage that day, the same as our father. If I ever get cold, I will go and hug my dad, it's like having a large heater that walks around and thinks he's funny. My mother, on the other hand, is a water mage, I have never once seen a drop of any liquid touch the floor in her presence. She will catch it every time just by delicately pointing her finger at it.

Lincoln and I tried dropping multiple bottles of water before her, but she caught them all and even managed to fashion two hands out of the water to slap us both.

I laid in bed for a while wondering what element I would get, it's fun to ponder the possibilities. Last night I was told not to get up too early, as my Mum likes to make a special breakfast in bed for someone's birthday, and I don't want to chance my luck with her on any day, never mind my birthday, it has gotten me into some trouble recently. I can smell the bacon, the toast, and the eggs, especially poached for the occasion; I just know the birthday presents are down there too. I rolled onto my side and got comfy again before staring into the darkness of my room, amongst the aromas, and letting my mind wonder about what mage I would become.

My mind got to the image of me being an ice mage, forming ice swords from each hand before my door opened filling my room with light and quickly followed by my mother carrying a tray with my birthday breakfast on it. I could smell the food before I could see, my eyes needed to adjust to the light, the tray had Bacon, eggs, beans, toast, and a glass of orange juice. My mother placed the tray on my lap as I sat up.

Charles King, Lonely hope, part 1.Where stories live. Discover now