Chapter 15

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Weekends are over surprisingly quick, especially when you don't want them to be. I found out that Mum and Dad have been taking on more dangerous missions because of this whole rebellion situation going on, and it's hard not to take it personally because it looks like they are going out of their way to prove our family isn't involved with the rebellion side of it and then to add on worse news I found out that both of them have signed on for a week-long mission and won't tell anyone where it is, or what it involves. Madison was surprisingly quiet about the situation, and I find that scary for some reason she normally has something to say about everything.

Monday ran like normal, woke up, got ready for school, had some food, and walked to the transmission centre with the family like normal and then Dad and Madison left to take her to her school.

"So where are you going, mum?" Lincoln asked.

"I can't tell you, my love," Mum said softly, she had a full all-black tracksuit, she says it's because it's comfy, but I have never seen her not wear one and not do someone some damage or show off some skill of hers. "Have a good day in school, it's language wars for you Charles and I think yours is in one week Lincoln, something to look forward to" She gave us a hug and kiss and waved us off into the tunnel that leads to school. Most on-lookers now have seen Mum a few times so they don't double take but it's always funny when people who haven't seen her before walk into other people to get a better look.

"Good morning" Said Mr Ridgewell, "Hope everyone had a good weekend and a productive guild week, but the fun doesn't stop there there are no classes today, it's language wars" Ridgewell threw his hands up for cheers, he got one. "Language wars in the side of year that is learning French, and the other is learning German, made up of four, forms classes. And here's the fun part at the end of the week there is a massive capture the flag battle and to prepare for that each side has a special guest teacher and the assemble we are about to go to will reveal who they are, speaking of which". Ridgewell checked his watch. "Let's go down".

"Wonder who it will be?" Charlotte asked Grace, as we were leaving the form room. The two have become close again after guild week but once again that is only while Wyatt and his crew aren't around because if he is, Charlotte no longer knows or wants to be in Grace's presence.

"I don't know, wish I did," Grace said, shrugging her shoulders. The other forms made their way along with us, Amy the girl with purple hair bounced in front of me,

"Oh, Charles" she said in a joyful tone, "we are gonna be on the same team" The rest of her form class didn't seem so happy about it, or her talking to me.

"Let's do our best" I replied, and offered my clenched fist for a fist bump, she didn't give me a fist bump she took my hand and opened it up for a handshake and then interlocked our fingers and tried to walk away, I didn't move, more out of shock she just decided to hold my hand, and then joking Kevin grabbed my other one and tried to skip forward, Amy laughed loudly and tried to skip away too, now I have no choice, I walked begrudgingly with them, I wasn't going to skip not with two class for of students watching on. Grace flew across me and joined in with the skipping grabbing Kevin's hand.

"They are fun," Charlotte said, walking beside me, we walked down the stairs, and chatter broke out among the classes, Amy Kevin and Grace were skipping down the stairs after letting go of my hands, "I don't think we are the skipping type".

"I think I would fall down the stairs," I said honestly. Charlotte laughed,

"Speak for yourself, my mother has taught me how to walk downstairs in heels".

"OH MY GOD... same" I did my best impression of Charlotte and her friend's posh accent.

"Shut up" she playing hit my arm. We got to the bottom of the stairs and walked towards the main door of the assembly hall.

Charles King, Lonely hope, part 1.Where stories live. Discover now