Chapter 3

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"You will remain in your seat until your name is called, you will follow Mr Richmond" Mr Payne gestured to his right and a tall man standing by a corner. "you will find 8 tables each with a single sword hilt laid out on a stand, each represents an element that will be obvious, step up to the element you think you are affiliated with, grab the hilt at arm's length... if your magic matches the element a sword will appear, hold it aloft, take your minute of happiness then put it down and move on... if it does not, put the hilt back on the stand and move to another table until you get your match... first up" Suddenly the room went tense. I sat up a bit straighter. "Antonia Brown." A small brown-haired girl stood up a few rows ahead of me, and a gaggle of girls and women cheered as she walked towards Mr. Richmond. Her mum left not long after she did and then a minute later the project screen came to life with a bright light, it killed all the noise in the gym. The word ICE came across the projector screen and then the screen turned off, a round of cheers rippled around the crowd and ice mages held their hand in the air and fired some bursts of ice that disappeared after a few seconds.

"Alvin wood" a round boy stood away to our right and shuffled his way to the door and moments later, the word earth came on the projector screen and this pattern continued.

"Lauren Lotis" earth

"Craig Potter" fire, Dad let out his fire with that one.

"Gavin West" wind.

"Charlotte Barrington Bennett" I'm paying attention now, Charlotte stood up, with her father, and cheers and claps came from a group of rich-looking kids with her. Moments later, water!

Kevin left before I did, He smiled at me when he stood up and said "Wish me luck" then put his fist out for a fist bump.

"Good luck," I said and gave him a fist bump, Marvin stepped over my legs and ruffled my hair as he did. Moments later. Lighting. Both Dad and I cheered loudly. "He thought he would get lightning," I told Dad.

"I thought he would, to be honest, how are you feeling? Nervous?"

"Not really but I wouldn't mind it hurrying up" Dad giggled at that.

"You and me both. My bum is going numb."

I waited half an hour until my name got called. "Charles King" Once again the room fell silent, but it felt different this time, maybe because it was me standing up and walking to the door and I was not watching it happen or it might be because I could see people whispering my name then my mum and dads name. I made my way to the door I decided to walk without looking at people seeing people mouth my name was weird. I got to the door and walked through; Dad stayed at the entrance of it.

"Good luck," he said and then waved me on. I turned and headed down the white narrow corridor. At the head were wooden double doors and in front of them stood and really short woman, one long braid thrown over her shoulder, wearing a traditional African dress I think, when she spoke her accent made me think I was right. it was a thick Nigerian one, one of my old teachers in my old school was Nigerian so I can tell.

"Pass through the door when you are ready." She said. "One hilt at a time until the sword appears, got it?"

"Yes miss" I took a deep breath and put my hands on the door and pushed. Beyond the door was a gloomy field. A football pitch with eight tables in the middle, I had a quick look around as I walked towards the tables, there was nothing around, trees in every direction. Why would they have a football pitch in the middle of nowhere, I turned to see the door I came from was gone too. the tables were shaped in a curve. Each table had a hilt of a sword held up by two metal rods holding it up and easy to grab, underneath had a magical letter glowing brightly describing the magical element. On the left was fire, no place better to start with.

Charles King, Lonely hope, part 1.Where stories live. Discover now