Chapter 10

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"Little demon" Barty called out, when I walked past him, I stopped and looked at him, "Oh, look at him with his angry face, going to do something are you?"

"I might do," Tim said, standing behind Barty, the fear in Barty's eyes was priceless, and he turned slowly, "boo!" Barty and his chubby friend ran away, Tim winked at me, "Go on, get to class-mate" Tim ruffled my hair and left.

"Faster Charles!" Simmons said.

"I'm trying," I said, sounding annoyed, I am trying.

"I know you are, how is your training at the guild going". I explained that I had gone on to training in the training room, I have had multiple teachers, Scarlet and Mr Bridges were the best, I have managed to hit the punching bags with my dark magic, in a spell they have named Big Chuck because it's a big powerful punch and chuck is short for Charles.

"Big Chuck? At least your opponent won't know what's coming, but building up your speed will be very helpful for that let us begin" I spent the whole hour constantly breaking sticks, it's been that way all month I don't know If I have gotten faster while doing it. Maths was boring, and English felt like it dragged. P.E. was doing the 100M sprints, and that was fun for 10 seconds, and finally, basic magic and it's our last day of the switches, thank God! Tomorrow is Saturday and the school Halloween event, Grace couldn't be more excited, Charlotte has been taking every chance she has to engage Grace in conversation about it until her gang of posh terrorizers show up and she acts like she doesn't know Grace and turns a blind eye to anything they say to her. Madison and her friend Justene have decided to go as a set of twins from a horror film, Yasmin as a dead mobster, and Kevin has decided on a character from a movie, who has claws for fingers.

Saturday morning came and I had a few things to do, mum and I had to go and visit Alvin and the dog,

"Hello Charles, hello Bella nice to see you again". Alvin Greeted us, he had on a shiny silver suit. And a massive smile that stretches from ear to ear. He took us down to the dog and passed Sebastian the giant snake. The dog has become happy to see me now and weirder mum too he lets her stroke him. I called him Hades, Wyatt's chunky friend called me it, I asked Mum who Hades was, and she told me he was a Greek god and king of the underworld. I fed Hades, said bye to Alvin and left. next up was Axil he had news about material that could be used to make a sword for me, he had narrowed it down to Yorkshire, he had found a small granite-like rock that absorbs dark magic, it could be used to make a sword and he explained that this is what we will need, for my sword and other materials, if I put enough dark magic into one of these rocks, none magic users can use them, like the ones in school, I have met a few over the past month, I learned that the none magic users are normally wearing rings, I had no idea until I bumped into a boy with glasses on a ring with a blue rock on it, turns out he is in form X, they can perform magic as long as they wear the ring but everything is voice activated and the ring only responds to them, they have to be created for the wearer with their blood.

Next was a shop that specialises in potions,

"What do you mean you don't have it?" Mum asked the shop assistant.

"The shipment is late" the shop assistant said, her face slowly darkening with a red tint, she scratched the top of her head, and then fixed her ponytail awkwardly, her brown hair looked lighter the redder her face got. "We do have Mummy wraps. They are really good, covering the whole body and breathable". Mum took a moment and looked at me, I smiled at her and then said.

"I'll be a mummy I don't mind".

"We'll take it" Mum said, and the shop assistant smiled, and her chest deflated like she let out the biggest sigh ever. Mum picked up some other bits she needed, and we headed back home, I got in and Madison and Lincoln sat in the living room in their pyjamas, watching a TV show of guild members showing off their homes. Dad was in the kitchen dancing to a song he likes on his phone; I went upstairs and took my costume to my room. In doing so I kicked over my grimoire that I kept knocking onto the floor. I picked it up, I hadn't looked at it since my first day of school, nothing had changed with it, it was still black all over, I leant a little closer, and could have sworn I saw three bubbles travelling across the cover of the book. I open it up and in bold letters, the word, scatter. And paragraph underneath, I closed it and ran downstairs to my parents in the kitchen both of them are no dancing, they have no rhythm,

Charles King, Lonely hope, part 1.Where stories live. Discover now