Chapter 9

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"Be careful of the pumpkin biters" Tim told Kevin and me, as we passed the castle's first line of defence into the school, "they are little pumpkins that have had faces carved into them and then a spell put on them to become little monsters and bite people".

"Will we ever see any?" Kevin asked and before he could say anything four pumpkins fell from the top of the defensive walls, they bounced off the floor, springing upwards and towards the three of us. Tim swatted them all away and Lincoln who came up behind us and burnt them to a crisp, I looked up and saw golden blazers. "it's someone from Aries".

"Of course, it is" Yasmin said, she and Grace were together, Aries was the smug team, full of the rich and well-connected, Wyatt's older brother is in it, he joined at the same time Lincoln joined Scorpio, ever since then their rivalry has intensified, Wyatt has followed his brothers lead and began to try and pull pranks on me, spells he has learned, trying to trip me up, calling me names, I don't mind the demon King name though, less of an insult, more like the name of a cool general from the olden times.

"Everyone settle down" Mr Ridgewell called out in our form class. "I have been told to inform everyone, that the school's Halloween event, now has a costume contest, and I know a lot of people like that sort of thing and there is a parent and child category for anyone who wants to enter that as well".

"Have you got your costume sorted?" Grace asked Charlotte to my and Kevin's surprise, we forget she is friends with Charlotte, that might be because Charlotte hasn't said a word to me or Kevin since the battle Royale.

"Yeah I have a ghost princess thing" Charlotte said, flicking her hair behind her "Mum helped me with it, what are you going to wear?"

"My mum said she knows a spell to give me demon eyes, so I'm thinking half demon half vampire". Grace smiled widely, her eyes widened with a large sparkle in them she is looking forward to this Halloween event

"Oh, I like the sound that".

"Demon eyes?" Kevin said, rubbing his chin, "You should do that Charles" he chuckled to himself.

"Yeah, that might make a few people believe that I am a demon" We both laughed at that,

"What are you going as?" Kevin asked.

"Werewolf, mum said she had a spell, it turns me into a complete werewolf apparently" Mr Ridgewell slid a piece of paper over to everyone on the table.

"Get it signed and bring it back in tomorrow." He said, I picked it up, it was confirmation of who will be coming to the event.

"Clear thoughts children!" Ms. Manor shouted, she walked past me and Kevin, we were still working on turning the switch on and off. I have had no problem with this since the first class, I think my training with my parents has helped me a lot, our class is mixed with kids from form Y, thankfully I'm not stuck with the kids from my form who happen to not like me. On the flip side of that, a girl from form Y was super friendly, Amy Evans, with purple hair, a small chin, and green eyes, and she might be the nicest person in this school, I don't think I have seen one person who doesn't like her, and she likes everybody, she is nice to me always making conversation with me.

"Charles!" Amy said jumping to the front of my table, "How do you do that?".

"Imagine turning it on and pointing your finger at it".

"Is that it?"

"Yeah, pretty much, mum says you have to mean  magic, you have to picture it clearly and mean it too".

"Thank you" Amy ran off back to her table and began to talk at rapid speed.

Click... "you're right," Kevin said, clicking... turned his switch again, and he did it four more times "Nice, what lesson have we got next?".

Charles King, Lonely hope, part 1.Where stories live. Discover now