Chapter 2

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We only had to suffer with Curtis's presence for about 10 minutes before Aunty Alex came back downstairs and got her husband, said her byes, and then left.

"Thank god," Dad said when they left. Mum and Madison came down 10 minutes after that, my mum looked lovely, it was strange to see her all dressed up, nice white top, jeans, heels, and a fancy new jacket I hadn't seen before. It took me a few minutes before I noticed Mum had dressed everyone similarly again, why did she do this? Madison was again her mini-me, in the same clothes minus the heels, plus a pair of brand-new white shoes. I wanted to ask why we were all dressed the same again, but the doorbell rang, and we all looked at Dad. He didn't even argue, just shook his head, and left for the door.

"Alex?" Lincoln asked.

"Oh no" Mum said sitting down on the arm of the couch, "I don't know who it is" she added The front door closed and then the living-room door opened and in bounded a small black dog all fluffy and his tail wagging.

"JACKSON!" Madison yelled before scooping the dog up for a cuddle, squeezing him to her face, Jackson returned the affection and licked her face in excitement, dad walked in followed by Uncle Tommy, he looked cool. dark hair slicked back, shiny brown eyes, strong jaw etched with facial hair, definitely been cut in the barber shop recently, his leather jacket looked cool too, don't know about his top underneath though, greyish V-neck top.

"Alright," Tommy said, he always sounds so easy-going, "everyone is in team King colours I see" he eyed everyone up laughed and began to start hugging everyone, he got to me, "Like your book? But don't worry it's not your only present," he said the later before I could answer his question.

"I did thank you; I ever tried a spell."

"Oh yes? What one?" Tommy said, sitting down next to me. I explained what spell I tried, and what happened. "that's interesting isn't it?" Tommy turned his head to Dad and then my mum. "Fire and water ay, tomorrow should be fun" he punched me in the arm lovingly, then clapped his hands and said, "Right is everyone ready to go, we can't leave them waiting."

"Them?" Madison asked quizzingly, stroking Jackson who's now all curled up on her legs.

"Everyone in the guild, of course, dying to meet you all, and see them two again," He said the latter part and twiddled his thumbs at Mum and Dad like it wasn't important.

"Why are they excited to see us?" Madison asked.

"Joking right" The entire guild can't wait, most of them have known your mum and dad since they were kids, and some have only seen photos of you all and your brothers, and are both happy and scared to be meeting them for the first time" he twiddled his thumbs again, Lincoln pulled a face which Tommy seen and prompted "you forget they're both and kind of powerful mages" whack! Mum hit Tommy around the back of the head. "Fine, very powerful mages, happy? Good, anyway, the newbies have never met them either, and they can't wait to do so."

10 minutes later, we are finally leaving for the guild, Tommy had made jokes about how the newbies think that my mum is a scary legend who will eat them alive, and dad can't take a joke and will fight anyone for the littlest annoyance, Mum and Dad weren't happy about that, Tommy kept winking at us and holding back a laugh. Dad opened the front door we were both hit by a surprisingly chilly wind, the sun was already setting, leaving a nice orange glow in the sky. It was decided that we would walk, it's only a five-minute walk. Jackson grew five sizes bigger up to Madison's hips and walked alongside her. Tommy remarked on how posh the area was and how he and Dad used to live in a similar area when they were younger.

5 minutes later we arrived at the footsteps of a large building surprisingly, for it being in the middle of London, marble steps lead to thick wooden double doors. Above that in bold letters "ETERNAL DRAGONS" it even had dragons racing through it. I suddenly felt nervous and a little sick, I have been waiting for this moment all my life, Jackson brushed up against my leg.

Charles King, Lonely hope, part 1.Where stories live. Discover now