Chapter 1 Scootaloo's secret.

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The sun shone through the window of the Ponyville orphanage. The light showed and landed on a small orange filly on the bed. " Good morning," The headmistress says poking her head into the room. " hmm" Scootaloo groans as she rolls over and gets out of bed. She grabs her saddlebags and heads down the steps and heads to breakfast. She sits down with her breakfast and begins to eat. " good morning my friends I hope you all slept well please eat your breakfast and get ready for school." the headmistress says." Yes ms Hartwell ." the foals chorus. The earth pony mare walked out the door. Scootaloo put her tray with the others and heads to the door with the other fillies and colts. Scootaloo heads out the door and heads to the schoolhouse. " Good morning class." Ms. Cheerilee says walking to her desk. " Alright, my little ponies, today we will start learning about our fair town. To do that we will have each one of you bring one of your parents to talk about their job in Ponyville." ms Cheerilee says with a smile. " Alright, today we are going to learn about the history of Ponyville." Ms. Cheerilee says turning to the board. Scootaloo's mind wandered when Ms cheeriliee's voice brought her back to earth. " Can any pony tell me which of these ponies came to this town first? Scootaloo?" Ms. Cheerilee asks " The apple family." Scootaloo says remembering when Granny Smith came and told the story of the founding of Ponyvillie. " That is correct." Ms. Cheerilee says with a warm smile. The bell told to signal the end of the day. " alright before we leave for the day we need to pick some pony to bring their parent to school for family day alright let's see here." Ms. Cheerilee says as she pulls out a scroll "Alright let's see here hmm alright Diamond Tiara your first." Ms. Cheerilee says Diamond tiara smiles and then the foals all trot out of the classroom. " ms. Cheerilee may I talk to you?" Scootaloo asks " We'll see ya outside scoot." Applebloom says walking towards the door sweetie Belle following her. " Alright." Scootaloo says " Ms. Cheerilee I don't have any family that I can bring to talk to the class." Scootaloo says. " What about your parents?" Cheerilee asks " I don't have any parents ms Cheerilee I live in an orphanage. I don't want this to get out around town." Scootaloo says "Of course, " Ms. Cheerilee says watching Scootaloo run out the door.

" So what did ya need to speak to ms Cheerilee about?" apple bloom asks as she, sweetie Belle, and scootaloo walk towards home. " Oh um I was asking her to move me to the bottom of the list because my parents are out of town again." scootaloo says." Oh where did they go adventuring off to this time?" sweetie Belle asked curiously. " Um, I think they said something about far-western Equestria." Scootaloo lies. " Oh cool." Sweetie Belle says "Hey I have an idea." Scootaloo says changing the subject. " ooh what?" sweetie asks " Why don't we have a sleepover." scootaloo says "Ooh that's a great idea." sweetie says " But we can't do it at the boutique rarity has a massive order." Sweetie Belle says. " and we can't do it at my house because we had to put the saplings in the barn because there's a frost comin'." Apple Bloom says "And we can't do it at my house because it won't fit us all comfortably." Scootaloo says "Hey why don't I ask Twilight if we can stay in the castle." Scootaloo says with excitement clear in her voice. "That sounds like a great idea scoot." Sweetie Belle says "I'll ask her on my way home then let's all meet at Twilight's." Scootaloo says with a smile on her face. 

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