Chapter 2 sleepover at Twilight's

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 " Sounds great." The other two fillies chorus. Scootaloo hops on her scooter and waves as her two friends head toward their homes. She hurries towards the castle and knocks on the front door." Oh hey scootaloo what brings you by?" Twilight asks as she opens the door. " Hey twilight I was wondering if the cutie mark Crusaders could sleepover at the castle tonight?" scootaloo asks. " That's fine by me as long as it's ok with your parents." Twilight says " I was going to ask them when I was finished talking to you." Scootaloo replies with a wide smile. "Ah," Twilight says with a warm smile. Scootaloo smiles and says " I'll see you later then." scootaloo says as she jumps back onto her scooter and heads towards the orphanage. Scootaloo opens the front door of the orphanage and opens the door and heads to ms heartwell's office. She taps gently on the wood doors. " Come in. Ms. Hartwell says through the door. Scootaloo gently opens the door to the office " Hi scootaloo." Ms. Hartwell says sitting at her desk. " Hey, Ms. Hartwell was wondering if I could have a sleepover with the other cmc's?" Scootaloo asks " Of course, you can where will you be staying spending the night?" Ms. Hartwell asks. " Twilight's castle" Scootaloo replies " Well that's nice dear I hope you have fun." ms Hartwell says with a warm smile. " I will thank you ms Hartwell," Scootaloo says as she gallops out of the office and up the stairs to her room. She grabs her sleeping bag and toothbrush and heads out the door toward Twilight's castle. Sweetie belle heads to the boutique." Hey, rarity I'm home" Sweetie calls "Sweetie Belle how was school?" Rarity asks as she walks into the room wearing her red glasses. " Good today we started learning about ponyville which is really going to be interesting so we need somepony in our family to come and talk to the class about what their job is in Ponyville I don't suppose you would have time to talk to my class about what you do in ponyville?" Sweetie belle asks " Oh of course darling I would love to." Rarity says with a warm smile on her face." Oh and I was wondering if I could have a sleepover with scootaloo and apple bloom tonight?" Sweetie belle asks " of course dear where are you three going to spend the night tonight?" rarity asks " twilight's castle." Sweetie belle replies. " Oh how fun it has been such a long time since the girls and I had a sleepover what if we all hung out at twilight's" Rarity says with a happy smile on her face. Sweetie grins and heads upstairs to grab her sleeping bag and other essential items for the evening. The two sisters head out the door of the boutique and turn down the road that leads to sweet apple acers when they arrive they find apple jack in the barn with apple bloom. " Hello Apple jack darling." rarity says with a bright smile " Oh heya Rarity wha't can i do fer ya?" Apple jack asks as she turns around. " Well when sweetie said that they were having a sleepover at Twilight's I was thinking we could join them." Rarity says with a smile " That sounds lovely." a voice says. " Oh hello fluttershy." Rarity says. " hello." Fluttershy says " that sounds great." Apple jack says " That sounds awesome." Rainbow dash says landing down next to fluttershy. " why don't we all head over to twilight's" rarity says. The others nod. They head down the streets of ponyville and head to the castle where scootaloo is standing next to Pinkie pie. " Let's get this party started." pinkie exclaims. Rarity lifted a hoof and knocked gently on the golden doors. " Oh hello girls what brings you by?" Twilight asks with surprise as she opens the door. "Well it's been so long since the 6 of us had a sleepover and when sweetie mentioned that you were letting them stay here I thought it would be fun to have a sleepover ourselves. I hope that's alright darling?" Rarity asks " That is a great idea rarity." Twilight says as she leads the mane 6 and the cutie mark crusaders into the castle.

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