chapter 13 where did she go

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" Scootaloo! Where are you?!" Spike, Sweetie Belle, and Apple Bloom yell as they gallop around Canterlot " Where in the world could she be?" Sweetie Belle asks " No clue but we have to find her hey apple jack hey Fluttershy any luck?" Spike asks as they walk up onto the train station " No luck here what about y'all?" Apple Jack asks " Nothin" Apple Bloom replies " Why don't we see if Rainbow Dash Twilight and Stormy Flare have had any luck" Apple Jack suggests " All aboard for Ponyville" The train conductor calls a small group of ponies steps into the train and the doors close. Apple Jack, Spike, Fluttershy, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle return back to the stadium to find Stormy Flare, Twilight and Rainbow dash waiting for them. " Any luck?" Apple Jack asks " Nope you?" Twilight asks " Nope," Apple Jack says shaking her head " Twilight Darling where in Equestria could she have gone?" Rarity asks " I honestly have no clue Apple Bloom Sweetie Belle do you have any idea where she could have gone?" Twilight asks " No I have no clue," Sweetie Belle says " Well we have to keep looking for her." Twilight says " Yeah!" the group replies. " Hey, where is Pinkie?" Rainbow Dash asks  " Right here I had to get searching for Scootaloo cupcakes." Pinkie Pie says. " Oh pinkie pie," Twilight says with a laugh. " Alright let's keep looking," Twilight says the group nods. " Alright we will split Canterlot into sections Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, and Apple Jack take the northeastern sector " Rarity, Sweetie Belle, and Apple Bloom you take the northwestern sector Stormy Flare, Spike, and I will take the southern sectors we have to find her," Twilight says as the group splits up gallops off to their respective areas.

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