chapter 4 the letter

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To whoever finds our daughter, please take great care of our daughter scootaloo, we aren't able to care for our daughter and we want a better life for her than we could provide. Tell her that we love her and that one day we will come back and be a family again


"That's all the note says I have been waiting for the day that my parents would come back but they haven't and I wish they would." Scootaloo says " I wonder why they haven't done that." Sweetie Belle says a frown clear on her face. " Not sure." Scootaloo says " Has any pony tried to foster or adopt ya?" Apple Bloom asks " None not one pony or couple have come to adopt me a lot of other fillies and colts have been adopted but I haven't and I want to know why," Scootaloo says " So your saying that you have never had a mother or father darling?" Rarity asks. " Never" Scootaloo replies." What about things like birthdays or hearth's warming?" Pinkie Pie asks. " I don't know my birthday and the orphanage had a few presents for us each hearth's warming." Scootaloo says" So then what are we going to do about this?" Pinkie asks. " Nothing." Scootaloo says " What." The 6 mares exclaim. " there's nothing to find out. I've tried. I tried to find out my birthday but there wasn't any information on me not even a birth certificate that had any information on me or my past." Scootaloo says quietly. " Let me see what I can do to fix this.."Twilight says lighting her horn in a purple aura." Um, Twilight what are ya gonna do?" Applejack asks in a worried voice. " Well, applejack I've learned a new spell that'll show us exactly who your folks are and whether they are alive," Twilight says. " Do it Twilight," Scootaloo says. Twilight lights her horn and magic swirls around scootaloo. When the magic finishes the scan a purple screen with two ponies appears. Twilight looks at the two ponies and her jaw drops. " Twilight what's wron.." rainbow dash stares at the picture and utters a curse." Why..No way." Sweetie Belle exclaims. " What is it sweetie holy crap." Apple Bloom exclaims " Why are ya.." Applejack asks as she gasps at the ponies. " What's going on?" Scootaloo asks quietly. " Spike take a letter please," Twilight says. Spike obeys and pulls out a scroll and quill and looks at twilight

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