Chapter 5 The mystery continues

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Dear Princess Celestia,

I am writing to you because of a very sweet pegasus filly named Scootaloo. She unfortunately is an orphan and no birth certificate or record of her birth exists anywhere. I performed a spell that showed us her parents and I was wondering if you could come and make light of this situation

Your faithful student,

Twilight sparkle

Spike finishes writing the letter rolls it and sends it in dragon fire." Why did you send that to the Princess?" Scootaloo asks anger in her voice. " Well the princess has higher access than I do so I wanted her help in finding your parents," Twilight says with a smile. Just then there was a bright flash of light and Princess Celestia appeared. " Hello, my faithful student what can I do for you?" Celestia asks " Well we were trying to find Scootaloo's parents and there has been no recording of Scootaloo's birth or her certificate which is why I performed the spell. This is why I wrote to you." twilight says." Let me oh my." Celestia says as she stares at the purple screen. " This makes no sense." Celestia says quietly " It doesn't make any sense to me either." Twilight says quietly. " I wonder why of all places they could have left her why here?" Celestia says concern in her voice. Twilight shrugs and says " I have no idea why they left her here."Twilight says quietly. " Why don't we head to my palace and see if there is any information on little Scootaloo here," Celestia suggested. The rest of the group nods. Celestia lights her horn and gold swirls around them; they reappear at the castle and lead them to the royal archives. " Where do we start?" Scootaloo asks " Good question Scoot" Rainbow dash says staring at the bookshelves that lined the walls. " well let's start at the beginning let's find the Cloudsdale birth certificate records " twilight suggests. "Let's get started" sweetie belle says with a bright smile.

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