Chapter 11 come on scootaloo

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Stormy Flare enters the room and sits on the couch. Spitfire asks, "Would you like some tea, water, or coffee?" to which Stormy Flare replies, "No, I'm good." Stormy Flare then says, "Spitfire, we need to talk." "Talk about what?" asks Spitfire. "Scootaloo," Stormy Flare replies. "Mom, there is nothing to talk about. I'm at the height of my career, and I don't want to be her mother. End of the story," Spitfire states" Not end of story Spitfire she's your daughter! " Stormy Flare retorted " She stopped being my daughter the day I left her at the orphanage she isn't my daughter I don't want her she can be somepony else's problem" Spitfire replies rolling her eyes " I don't understand why you are acting like this Spitfire." Stormy Flare says " I don't care what you think Mom. Go get out " Spitfire says throwing open the door Stormy Flare steps out of the house and the door slams behind her. Stormy Flare sighed and trotted back towards the castle. " Any luck?" Stormy Flare asks as she trots back into the room " No." Rainbow says with a shake of her head " What about Spitfire any luck there?" Rarity asks " No luck here either Spitfire stated that Scootaloo stopped being her daughter the day that they left her at the front step of the orphanage." Stormy Flare says with a sigh " So what do we do now?" Sweetie Belle asks "Why don't you and Apple Bloom try," Rarity says with a warm smile. The two fillies gallop up the stairs and Apple Bloom knocks on the door. " Scootaloo ya ok?" Apple Bloom asks " Come on Scootaloo talk to us." Sweetie Belle begs. Sweetie Belle leans into the door and listens for a while. " Scootaloo please." Sweetie Belle begs through the door "Let's just leave her be for a time" Apple Bloom says the two fillies climb the stairs and rejoin the group. " any luck darling ?" rarity asks " nothin" Apple Bloom replies as she takes a seat next to Apple Jack. " ya did your best sugar cube," Apple Jack says " I agree darling there is only so much we can do sometimes it's best if we give them their space, "  Rarity says " that is very true," Twilight says with a smile. " so what do we do now?" Apple Bloom asks. " it's late why don't we get some sleep we need all our energy to cheer Rainbow Dash on tomorrow." twilight says. " Good night everypony "Apple Bloom says as she and sweetie belle climb the stairs with the rest of the group not far behind. The lights around the castle slowly turned off

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