Chapter 6 wait what ?

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    They all spread out throughout the library to find the Cloudsdale records. "Found it!" Scootaloo exclaims" great work scoot" rainbow dash says as she flies over. " Hey twilight, which one do we need?" Rainbow dash asks. Twilight looks over the records and says " those ones please." Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo take the books that Twilight had pointed at and they place the books on a nearby table. " Alright then let's get to work " Twilight says the mane 6 celestia and the CMCs each grab a book and start searching through the records. " Ah ha  found it." Twilight exclaims " what did ya find twilight?" Apple Jack asks " Scootaloo Windward daughter of Spitfire and open skies Windward  born September 8th" twilight says " what but why would they just dump me at the orphanage and why Ponyville?" Scootaloo asks " I don't know Scootaloo I'm sorry that's all there is in this book." Twilight replies " could there be anything else in these records?" Sweetie belle asks " we can sure try" rarity says she stands and heads to the shelves and comes back with the ponyville records a moment later she takes the top one and flips to the s section. " Ah here we go Scootaloo was found at the Ponyville orphanage the morning of September 16th by  Ms Heartwell. " Rarity says " wow that's crazy that I was only 8 days old when they left me on the doorstep." Scootaloo says. " yeah that is kind of crazy." Twilight replies " so what do we do now?" Sweetie Belle asks " I believe it's time for bed my sister has raised the moon for the night and I believe it is time for us to retire for the night we can pick this back up in the morning." Celestia replies the group nods and follows Celestia up the stairs to the guest bedrooms. Scootaloo settles at the desk and dips the quill into the ink and begins to write a letter

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