An Unlikely Duo

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Chapter 7: An Unlikely Duo

"NOO!!!" Ginny lunges at Voldemort but Mr Weasley stops her.

"Silence! Now that Potter is dead, all those who wish to declare themselves, step forward."

A moment of hesitation befalls you until Lucius Malfoy calls to him.

"Draco! Come here. Please, Draco."

Narcissa also calls to him.

"Come, my son."

He nervously looks around and then walks towards them.

"Draco, well done, my good lad." Voldemort welcomes him with open arms.

Neville walks forward, holding the Sorting Hat.

"And who might you be?" Voldemort asks.

"I'm Neville! Neville Longbottom!"

Bellatrix Lestrange laughs.

"Silence now, Bella. By coming to us, he lives another day."

"I have something to say!" Neville says.

Voldemort chuckles, "I'm sure everyone would like to hear what you have to say, Neville."

Neville turns around, gripping the Sorting Hat really hard.

"Who cares if Harry's dead?"

A murmur starts in the crowd.

"He might be dead..." he continues. "...but he didn't die in vain."

The murmuring stops and Neville faces the Dark Lord once more.

"But you will! Because you're wrong! Harry did live for us!"

He pulls the Sword of Gryffindor out of the Sorting Hat and goes into a defensive stance. Just then, Harry jumps out of Hagrid's hands and catches Voldemort by surprise.

"You're dead! You're supposed to be dead!"

"Confringo!" Harry points his wand at Nagini, but the spell bounces right off, hitting some Death Eaters behind her.

He runs off as Voldemort casts spells on him. He weaves and ducks staying out of the blast zones. Death Eaters start apparating out of Hogwarts, leaving only Voldemort's most trusted followers to fight the remaining people in Dumbledore's Army. You follow Harry as he's being chased by Voldemort.

"Come back here, Potter!!!"

The trail behind Voldemort, smoky and matte black makes your eyes tear up as you follow them through the halls and staircases of Hogwarts.

"You'll never escape your fate!"

He throws a Killing Spell at Harry and he blocks it, giving Voldemort enough time to stop apparating and launch a flurry of attacks which Harry is forced to block. Then a deafening boom echoes around the school as their 2 spells clash while the other holds their ground. A green stream meets in the middle with a red stream, the spells curving back towards their caster. The sheer strength of the spells launches rocks into the air and waves of energy to hit you back.


The ceiling crashes down as Harry points his wand up, moving both spells up and hitting an apex, causing it to explode and break the ceiling as it falls down on Voldemort. Nagini creeps up behind Harry and prepares to strike, but you interfere and her focus shifts to you.

"Harry! Behind you!"

He turns around and sees Nagini rearing up.


Nagini gets knocked back and you run to Harry.

"We need to get out of here, Harry!"

"Well there's no way back. We need to keep moving up towards the clock tower."

You pass Nagini, still stunned, and Voldemort breaks out of the rubble.

"You can never run from me!"

He casts another Killing Spell but, luckily, you round the corner with Harry. You pass by a familiar yet annoying ghost. A ghost that is so obnoxious you'd want to kill him again.

"Peeves! Hold Voldemort at bay would you?"

"And why would I do that, Potter?"

"Just do it, Peeves!"

"Ugh, fine." he floats off and you hear Voldemort's grunts of annoyance and Peeves' loud mouth blabbering whatever he can get out of it. You look back and see spells flying around as Voldemort gets more frustrated with Peeves. You continue to climb and you enter into the atrium of the moving staircases.

"Are these still active?" you ask.

You and Harry step on one and immediately it starts moving.

"We need to get there!" he points to one of the exits.

You hear Voldemort's laughter getting closer. Peeves must've been pushed aside. Or he just got bored and left Voldemort alone. Whatever the case, you need to get over there and fast. You walk onto another platform.

"Where to now?"

"This one!"

Voldemort enters the atrium.

"There you are, Potter! AVADA KEDAVRA!"

The spell misses you, but it was too close for comfort. You reach the clock tower and you look out the broken clock face. That's a long drop.

"Hide. I'll take care of him."

You hide behind a pillar and hear fighting and grunting from behind. And then the silent breathing of Harry.

"Let's finish what we started, Tom. Together." you hear him say.

You peek around the pillar and see them on the balcony, Harry holding Voldemort's head as they jump off. You run to stop them but it was too late. You peer over the balcony and you see the apparition trail. You apparate into the courtyard to tell everyone but nobody's there. That was when Harry and Voldemort crash landed beside you. You hide in one of the archways then you hear that familiar boom. You peek and see the clash of spells. This time, Harry gets thrown back by a spell from someone familiar. Someone with a silver eye and a black iris. It was him.

To be continued

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