A Little Bit Of Background

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Chapter 14: A Little Bit Of Background

You walk along the train as it starts moving, looking for an empty compartment. It was your first day at Hogwarts and this memory is one of the best ones you have. Soon, you bump into a girl holding a white cat. You knew who she is and what the cat really was, but you let the memory play.

"Oh, hi! Sorry, uh, could you hold my cat please? I'm trying to keep it hidden."

"Why are you-?"

"Hiding a cat? It's complicated. Thanks!" she cuts you off and shoves the cat into your hands.

"What just happened?"

She passes by you and hides in a compartment. You continue on along the trail, holding the cat which was staring way too long at your golden necklace that was given to you by your mom. They represent the Deathly Hallows. You didn't know that back then and just wore it to remember your mom. Maybe the cat knew what it was back then.

"So, little kitty, your owner just gave you to me. What do I do with you?"

The cat lets out a sound that wasn't cat-like.

"That's not what a cat sounds like. What are you?"

You look at it, closely and carefully. It's eyes were golden and shiny. It's skin, now that you examined it, wasn't really cat skin. The fur felt like a rug and it was too loose. There's something hiding under this cat.

"Finite." you cast.

The cat shows its true self as a niffler. That's why it was looking at your necklace. Nifflers like shiny objects.

"Now where did your owner go. You're not supposed to be here, you little gold thief."

You backtrack and arrive at the compartment she was in.

"Hey you. Do you own this niffler?"

The girl looks at you.

"Oh, no. That's why I was keeping it hidden. Care to take a seat?"

You sit down across her.

"The name's Amelie Valeryon, but you can call me Ame."

"Nice to meet you Ame."

"And your name is...?"

"Oh, uhh... I'd rather not disclose. You might recognize me as someone famous and you'll go crazy or whatever."

"No, it's ok. I insist."

"I don't really want to. It's complicated."

"Then maybe your first name?"

"No, sorry. Here's the niffler back." you give it back to her while it's reaching for your necklace. "So why do you have a niffler? Where did you get it?"

"It's complicated." she copies your voice.

"Ugh, fine." you say, telling her your first name.

"Ah, nice to meet you! And what's your last name that you're so shy to say?"

"I'm not shy, it just has a dark background. I'm not too proud of it."

"Oh. What is it then?"

"Why did you smuggle a niffler?"

"Shh! Keep it down!"

"I will if you tell me where you got that smuggled niffler."

"Alright! Alright! Just relax. Jeez. I found it outside, before I hopped onto the platform."

"And you just picked it up and casted an illusion on it?"

"Yes. I don't know who owns it so don't ask me that."

"I know who does." a third voice says from somewhere above you.

"Who's there?"

"What's up, you two?" a boy falls from the holding rack above the window. "My name is Jason. I already heard your names already. No need for further introduction."

"Hi Jason. Can I ask why you were up there?"

"No you may not, my dear sir."

"He was already asking."

"Well then it's because I'm hiding from the prefects. Pulled a perfect prefect prank on them. Say that 5 times faster."

"So who owns the niffler?"

"I do." Jason says.

It's fun watching everything unravel again. It makes you feel happy and powerful! Is this what occlumency is?

"Well here you go, Jason."

"Thank you, Ame."

The scene dissolves and it reforms when you've arrived at the Great Hall. Your sorting! The most awaited event in all of Hogwarts for new wizards. A few other students are sorted before you sit down on the chair yourself.

"Mmm yes. Very fascinating! Harry Potter! I need your attention." the Sorting Hat says.

The Harry Potter??? The boy who lived???

"Yes?" Harry stands up.

The first time you see him was amazing! He was in his 6th year here and he looked so handsome.

"Come here."

The teachers mutter amongst themselves. This has never happened before. Harry walks up to you and the Sorting Hat.

"What is it?"

"The kid has the same situation as you. I'm thinking Gryffindor but he has the traits of a Slytherin."

"Well do what he asks. That's what I did."

"You can put me in whatever house you think I am suited in, Mr Sorting Hat."

"Hmm. Potter, you may return."

He walks back to the Gryffindor table and continues watching.

"You're accepting any house, you say? Very interesting. You're very flexible. Brave, smart. You're capable of everything you wish to do."

He thinks for a bit. The silence scares you as you see Tom at the entrance of the Hall, staring at you.

"Very well then. GRYFFINDOR!!!"

The Gryffindor table cheers as you stand up, smiling and joyful. You walk to them and everything disappears. A blinding light engulfs you and your out of Voldemort's mind.

"Tom! I'm going to end you for trying to hurt me!!"


You block the spell.


You apparate outside.

To be continued

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