All of them?

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"So is Lizzie, Shelby, Eloise, Oli, Apo and… Oliver…" With each name Owen felt the pain worsen

"All- all of them…?" Owen asked quietly

"all of them…" Bek confirmed quietly.

"Well- well is anyone ok?" Owen muttered under his breath.

"Tubbo, Martyn and I are fine… but Jimmy, Krow, Acho and Sniff, well…" she trailed off.

"They're what?! What happened to them?! Are they ok?!" Owen said hurriedly

"Jimmy  was with Shelby when- well you know… Shelby was in the Blue room and Jimmy saw Mr. Icraga and went to warn Shelby but it was too late and the arrow hit Shelby straight in the heart… but Jimmy was blinded by the fire… he… says he can't see anything and this happened 2 days ago…" Bek finished quietly

"Hold on… how long have I been unconscious…?" Owen asked. The thought striking him like a rock.

"You've been knocked out for 4 days." Owen sat up.

"4 days?! What happened to Will's body? Did you get it? I don't see it?" Owen said  his body aching with the effort of sitting up

"Owen… Will got dragged off by the cat… he's gone." Bek said staring at her feet "All we found was this…" Bek said pulling Will's red button hat out of her bag. The one Martyn had made a couple of months ago.

Owen stood up, or rather, tried to but fell immediately.

"Ahh! What the-'' Owen said, glancing down "my- my- my leg…" Owen stuttered

"Owen im- im sorry, when we found you, you had a chunk of your leg missing, this was the only way you could have survived" Bek said, glancing at where Owen's leg used to be.

Now there was a stub just above his knee where the leg of his pants was tied.

"It- it's fine… what happened to the others. All of them, even the ones who are gone." Owen said looking down with the last words.

"We found Apo in the maids room… he was twisted as if he fell, he was bleeding everywhere. Krow  said  that Apo saved it… Eloise, we found in the Blue room… she was bleeding and looked as if she was stabbed. I think the janitor caught her and ended it on the spot, you know how he is. Martyn found Oli in a rat trap. I don't know who caught him but he was long gone. Tubbo found Lizzie and Oliver next to each other Lizzie was poisoned. We found blood all over her dress, it looked like she was coughing up blood." Owen gasped tears streaming down his face.

"Oliver had an arrow through their chest. I think they went to save Lizzie but were caught by Mr. Icraga. Acho, Sniff and Krow are alive. But… they're not doing too well…" Bek said, shifting her gaze to the makeshift medical tent next to Scott's house.

Scott… I wish you were here. I don't know how I'm going to do this without you Owen thought, staring at the house inside the bookshelf.

"What do you mean 'they aren't doing too well'?" Owen asked, tearing his gaze from the house.

"Well… you should probably just see for yourself…" Bek said, helping Owen to his feet. The pair wobbled over to the tent, stopping a few times for Owen to catch his breath.

"This is a lot harder with only one leg." Owen said stopping for the third time.

"Ya.. that happens." Bek said with a sad smile. When they finally reached the tent, Owen hobbled inside with the help of Martyn who was tending to Acho.

"Thanks Martyn. Sooooo… what happened, are they gonna be ok?" Owen said, glancing at Acho who was coughing up blood on a rag.

It was a horrible sound, the sound of retching and the stench of blood filled the small tent, making Owen gag a bit.

"Acho's sick but I don't know what  it is. He said he was gathering food, and a cat slashed his arm while he was turned around." Acho stopped coughing for a moment and sat up. The sleeve of his shirt was tied in a knot just below his shoulder.

"Oh… yeah…. And we had to amputate his arm or he would have died from the sickness." Martyn looked at Acho with a concerned expression.

"How's your arm feeling?" Owen said with a small smile.

"Better than it did yesterday. It still burns every now and then but it's not too bad. The worst part is the coughing… I'm afraid I'll wake Jimmy and Krow up…" Acho said his gaze straying towards the back of the tent.

Owen saw Jimmy laying with a cloth over his eyes and where Krow lay with a scrunched up face, almost as if it was scared of something. There wasn't anything there.

"Oh it's having a nightmare… again…" Martyn said rushing over to where Krow lay.

"Since we found it, it's been having nightmares. They get so bad it will wake up in a cold sweat." Acho explained cautiously. Martyn tapped Krow's arm,

"Hey, you good?" Martyn asked Krow quietly.

"Why is Krow here? What's wrong with it?" Owen asked Acho quietly as he struggled to keep his balance.

"It cant move it's legs." Acho whispered back.

Owen fell onto Acho's cot. Acho chuckled a bit, in spite of the pain of the last few days.

"Hey Martyn?" Owen asked,

"Yes?" Martyn replied, his eyes still on Krow, helping it get some water.

"Where's Sniff?" Owen asked, looking around to see if he had missed them.

"Oh. Sniffs in another tent, but they're fine." Martyn said while helping Bek tend to Jimmy who had woken up with the chatter of Acho and Owen.

"Owen? Is that you?" Jimmy asked looking around as if he had a hope of seeing them.

"Oh Jimmy you're awake!" Acho exclaimed.

"Hello? I still can't see who's in here? Did I hear Owen?" Jimmy asked, looking around and twitching his ears with every sound.

"Hiiii Jimmy." Owen said softly. Jimmy's head and ears swiveled towards him hurriedly.

"Owen! I thought you were dead! The others told me you weren't moving! We all thought we had lost another one! You scared us!" Jimmy said through sobs.

Tears were streaming down his face as he groped for the edge of the cot. Bek rushed to help him stand, then returned to helping put new bandages on Acho's arm. Acho winced.

"Im- I'm sorry…" Owen said quietly sitting on the ground to give his leg a break. I'll have to find something to walk on, maybe a prosthetic leg? I should make something for Acho and Krow as well. I'm not sure I can help Jimmy's Eyes… Owen thought as he looked at Krow, who was now sitting up looking around.

Acho grabbed a cloth and coughed into it. Jimmy was looking around, his ears still moving with every sound. Dried tears on his face. Owen stood up and hugged Jimmy.

"Who's that?" Jimmy asked, hugging back.

"It's Owen," Martyn replied from across the tent, where he was busy cleaning Krow's face.

"I think I'm going to go see Sniff." Owen said standing up. He fell over again. Martyn Stopped tending to Krow, to laugh and help Owen get up.

"With that leg you're not going anywhere. I'll take you. Bek, tell me when Tubbo comes back."

That took a while! I was procrastinating all week and decided to pump out a couple of chapters. I told you the next chapter would be longer! My eyes are so full of chlorine that they're watering and my mom just asked me if I was crying XD. But seriously I cannot see anything it's so blurry, I'm actually surprised I finished this chapter lol. Have a good day/night see you all in the next chapter!


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