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This is just the song I was listening to while I finished this chapter


Owen did a double take. Had he heard that right? Was there someone in the attic? It couldnt be possible- surely... right? No one ever came up here... but here they were. A couple of rats in an attic with a human. "Run.." He whispered.

He and Martyn dashed into the tents to pick up Krow and Jimmy. Bek somehow made it to Sniff just before a man came into view. "What the..." Krow muttered, seemingly confused.

Owen took one look at the man and ran. Out of his perepherals, he saw Martyn run with Jimmy in the opposite direction. He hadn't seen where Bek and the others went. But they were strong. They could handle themsleves.

He ducked into a small crevice and set Krow down. He held out his hands as it questioned him. "What are you..? What..? Oh I can feel my toes again... How did you-" It started, but Owen shut it up quickly.

"No time for questions. we have to get somewhere safe. Can you walk?" He asked. It nodded, standing up shakily. "Did you see the others run off? I know you might've been looking behind us. I was too focused on running." He muttered, panting slightly.

"All I saw was Bek duck into a bookshelf with Sniff on her back." It answered, following him deeper into the hole in the wall and down a ladder. "This scene seems familiar, doesnt it?" It whisper shouted. Owen nodded. He vagualy remembered sitting in a wooden bunker with someone else. A situation similar to this.

"I wasn't with you though was I? I was with someone else." It said, pushing the hair out of it's face. Owen nodded. He too had been with someone else. He couldnt recall who though.

"I feel like we used to know each other..." Owen said quietly, peeking around a corner. Krow nodded.

"Though I can't shake the feeling that I didn't like you" It laughed. Owen silently agreed. Even if It hadn't liked him before, they were in the same situation now, so they had to deal with it. Besides, Krow didn't seem to mind him now, and it seemed like they were even friends at that point.

"Would you- would you consider us to be... Friends?" He asked, turning back to look at Krow. It lifted a finger to its chin.

"Ya'know what Owen? I think we are friends." It said. Owen smiled.

"I like that." He looked around the corner again and signalled for it to follow him. At the end of the small tunnel, the wall opened up towards the parkour. Owen jumped onto the first step, before jumping off into the cobwebs below.

"You coming?" He asked from the ground. Krow stood above looking down before it nodded and fell towards the ground below.

It caught onto a cobweb just before it hit the ground below, swinging gracefully down to the ground.

"I didn't know you could do that!" Owen exclaimed, grabbing it's shoulders. "That was sick!" Krow smiled a bit before looking around the corner.

"Owen you should really fix your leg..." It said, glancing at the strangely designed prosthetic. Owen nodded, kneeling down to heal it.

"Bada bing bada boom. New leg. That takes a surprising amount of energy.." He leaned onto Krow to catch his breath, and Krow out it's hand on his shoulder.

"Take it easy there tiger, don't wanna wear yourself out when we're still running for our lives." It said, peeking around the corner again.

"So... How does it feel to walk again?" He asked, standing up again. He looked around the corner himself this time and was met with the ghost of Lizzie. She waved at him then pointed down the hallway. He nodded, and pulled Krow along with him.

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