Maybe we have a chance

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"Owen... I- I thought you- you were dead..." Will murmured.

"We thought you were dead..." Owen said wrapping Will in a hug.

"W- wait? We? There are others?!" Will stuttered pulling away. Owen nodded.

"The TNT... I- oh no I messed up..." Will gasped, grabbing his hair.

"Hey- hey we have a little bit of time.. come on." Owen said, scampering towards the ticking. As Owen continued working on the TNT, Will bombarded him with questions.

"There are others? Who? Are they ok? What were you doing? I saw you working on something earlier. What was it? How long have you been hiding? Did you really think I was dead? Do you-" Will started his next question, but Owen cut him off.

"Shh I need to work. We're running out of time. As for your questions, yes. There are others. Me, Martyn, Krow, Jimmy, Tubbo, Acho, Bek and Sniff are alive. Yes they are mostly Ok, at least I think. I left them to go disarm the TNT. Martin, Bek and Tubbo are unharmed. Me and Acho both have prosthetic limbs." He said swinging his leg back and forth.

"Jimmy was Blinded. Krow is now paralyzed from it's tail down. Sniff had a bit of a run in with a cat, so they have quite a few wounds that are still healing. Oh and Acho is still sick. So we need to run by the Garden to get some lavender. As for your other questions, we were setting up a trap for the cats earlier. Weve been hidden for several weeks. Maybe five or so. And yes. We really thought you were dead. Now. A question for you. How are you alive? And what have you been doing this whole time you thought we were dead?" Owen said, pulling the last wire and turning a nob. He had successfully disarmed the bomb. Thank Notch.

"Well when I was dragged off by the cat, I managed to escape, and I ran into the Grandma. She helped me heal. But I still have a really cool scar. Look!" He said, pulling his shirt neck down a bit.

A huge scar that traced down his back. Freshly uncovered. The wierd thing about it was... It was Blue..

"Will? Why is it blue?" Owen asked, concerned.

"Oh I never told you did I?" He said as he stepped towards a wall.

"The Grandma said that we all came from different places, right?" He asked. Owen hummed in agreement.

"Well, we all have one similar tie-in. She wouldn't tell me what it was- but it sounded big." Owen nodded, even though he was confused.

Suddenly Will took a step towards the wall, closed his eyes, held out his hands and-

Walked... Through... It?

"How." Was all Owen could muster up enough of his shock to say.

"I don't know... I was just running through the hall, and the cat was chasing me... And I reached a dead end, and my instincts told me to go through the wall. And I did that... And I don't know how. But I can turn it off see!" He said as he climbed the wall.

"I'm not quite sure what to think of that..." Owen said, blinking twice.

Will just shrugged and jumped down.

"So are you saying that the others might have- powers? Too?" Owen questioned as he followed Will, who knows where.

"Mhm! It might help us with the- well the human problem!" He said darting around a corner.

"Hey! Wait up! Where are we going?" Owen huffed as he bolted after the smaller rat. They rounded another corner, and Will lead him to a small alcove behind a dresser.

(I'm writing this on a plane lol)

"Welcome to the casa of WillowMVP!" He exclaimed, excitedly.

"Your full name is Willow, hmm... I like that!" Owen said laughing.

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