𝐌𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐦𝐞 𝐚𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐥

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I shriek and whirl around only to find Eddie walking around my car to get to me.

"Morning Eddie." I sigh with relief. He chuckles taking in my previous alarmed face.

"Sorry for scaring you, but what's that you're reading?" He starts looking under the book before I have the chance to reply. "November 9. What type of book is it?"

"It's a romance, contemporary romance, and fiction. Why do you ask?" I tilt my head to the side studying his sudden change in demeanor.

"No reason, just curious."

"Well curiosity did kill the cat" I add in my November 9 **bookmark with different quotes from the book on it. "Come on Eddie, we've got classes and I don't want to be late."

"You go ahead. I'll see you in third." He already starts retreating in the direction of his van as if the idea of school scares him.

"Oh hell nah. You're going to carry your ass inside that school and attend your classes. If I can do it, you can too." I grab his wrist and start walking in the direction of the school doors. 


I stare at the clock, following the clocks' hands leisurely. It was only the second period of the day and I was already bored. Finally after what felt like forever, the bell rang. I quickly packed up my stuff and left the class. I tried my best to move quickly in the wave of students trying to get to their lockers and classes. Somehow I was able to get to my locker and in class on time, despite having forgotten the code and having to try multiple codes before obtaining the correct code. I walked over to the same seat I sat in yesterday, setting my stuff down and getting ready for class. Every time the door opens, I look up in hopes of seeing Eddie walk through. Just as the bell rings, he casually walks in, looking around, it's as if he's taking in the class for the first time this week. He probably is considering the fact, it's Thursday and this is the first lesson he has attended since I got here. 

"Well nice of you to join us, Mr. Munson." Mrs. O'Donnell says watching him as he walks to his seat.

"It's my pleasure Mrs. O'Donnell." He sits down winking at me.

Mrs. O'Donnell huffs a sigh before turning to the board to start the lesson.

How have classes been? ~E

I look over at him only to find him staring at the back of Mrs. O'Donnell's head. I face forward and take note of what she's talking about before facing the paper in front of me.

Decent I guess. I think my shiny new plaque is finally wearing off. But why don't you come to class? ~N

I've stopped trying because I always end up failing anyways. ~E

Maybe you just need a little help.. ~N

Are you offering the help? ~E

Maybe I am, maybe I'm not, who knows? ~N

Well if you are, I would be happy to take you up on that offer ~E

Alright then we can start tomorrow after school. ~N

Are you doing anything today? ~E

No, not really why? ~N

"Ahem! Miss Davis, Mister Munson, would you like to share with the class what it is you're talking about?" Mrs. O'Donnell does not look too happy. It also doesn't help that everyone is looking at you as well like mind your own business.

"No ma'am." You say in unison.

"Then I suggest you quit chatting and pay attention, especially you, Mister Munson." With that she faces the board and resumes her writing. You look at each other and simultaneously release a breath of relief. You chuckle, glad to have avoided getting detention on your first week of school.


"What would you say to hanging out later today?" Eddie asks when he catches you in the hall after 5th period.

"Well I would say that I'll think about your offer and let you know after our 7th period." I respond just as I slip into my 6th period class. The entire 6th period I couldn't focus. I was constantly zoning out and was unable to take notes. I kept thinking about the way Eddie's eyes sparkled after I told him maybe.

"Miss Davis, are you daydreaming or focusing on the lecture?"

"Focusing on the lecture sir." I blush and use some of my hair to cover some of my face. 'Damn. New school record for me, getting nagged about not paying attention twice in one day at a new school because of some boy. Good going Nevaeh, at this point you might as well ask him out' I tried my best to pay attention to what the teacher was saying not wanting to get in trouble or being behind. Somehow you were able to catch up to the rest of the class and before you knew it the bell rung.


"So what's your decision?"

I shriek backing away in shock and fear. I hit Eddie's arm, while smiling.

"Eddie, stop sneaking up on me!"

"I'm not even doing anything, you just get scared easily." He chuckles bumping your shoulder with his.

"Whatever," I roll my eyes while smiling. "We can hang out if you're still offering." 

"Well lucky you because my offer was going to expire after school."

"No it wasn't, you big liar."

"Looks like you caught me. Well done darling."


"Ok Eddie what are you going to do when we get to seventh period?"

"I'm going to try my best to pay attention and if I'm not you will pinch me. At the end of the lesson, if I can summarize most of what was talked about, you'll hang out with me."

"Good job, now get in there and make me proud."


A/n: **If you look closely the background of the bookmark resembles the book so you know which bookmark comes from which book. You can find these bookmarks at Colleen Hoover's online store. Also sorry if this chapter is a bit short. I really wanted to post something and since I'm going to be on a plane tomorrow, I won't really be able to edit or write ch.5.

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