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"Nevaeh, why didn't you answer me yesterday? I was calling your phone and you weren't answering, I thought something happened." My mom asked as soon as she walked in, noticing me on the couch. 

"If by something you mean your boyfriend, then nothing happened. Well other than the fact that he went into your money box, took 2 hundred dollars then went out."

"Yeah but why didn't you answer?" She asks exasperatedly. 'The fact that she just ignored everything I just said.'

"I was watching a movie and I forgot my phone upstairs but I didn't want to go upstairs and I wasn't wearing socks." I complain.

She fixes me with her 'Are you shitting me face'.

"And you couldn't just go upstairs?" 

"The floor was cold.." I whine. "I told you we should've paid for a heater."

"You're really childish you know that?" She laughs heading into the kitchen.

"Yeah I do." I respond, turning back to face the TV. "Mom can you please give me my shoes?"

She sighs but walks to the front door to grab my shoes off the shoe rack. "Here you go Mrs. princess." she drops my shoes in front of me on the floor.

I grin and hurry to put my feet into the fluffy shoes. I hurry upstairs and grab my phone off its charger before running downstairs and sitting down on the couch, quickly covering myself. I turn around to grab the remote only to notice it's not beside but at the kitchen counter. I groan not wanting to get up. 

"Mother Dear," I start using the sweetest voice I have. "Could you please give me the t.v. remote on the counter?"

She peeks out from a drawer to look at me to see if I'm serious. "Are you seriously asking me to give you the remote that YOU can come grab?"

"Yes?"I turn around to face her. "Please Mom?"

"No. Come and grab it yourself you lazy bum." She turns back to continue doing whatever it is she was doing earlier.

I groan but still get up, wrapping the blanket tight around me, I shuffle to the kitchen counter and back.

"You're so mean Mom."

"I love you too sweetie." She walks over and sets a bowl of snacks and fruits on the table.

I grab a few green grapes and pop them into my mouth. I turn on my phone and notice the six missed calls from Mom. I noticed I was added into a random group chat. I click onto the notification and read through the messages.

Best Motherfuckers Alive

Unknown1: Who wants to hang out tmrw? Me and Steve are free. 

Read 11:37

Unknown2: I can but let me go tell my mom rq 

Read 11:37

Unknown3: Imagine having to tell your mom 

Read 11:38

Unknown4: Imagine still having a mom around 

Read 11:39

Unknown2: ... 

Read 11:39

Unknown5: ... 

Read 11:39

Unknown3: ... 

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