𝐒𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐡 𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐝

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Y'know I would love to say that after moving to different schools 7 times my entire life that walking into class would be easy. But I can't because it's not easy and everyone stares at me as I walk by. It's extremely uncomfortable and nerve wracking because I can't tell what they're thinking. After moving so much, it's easier to tell what they think by how they're looking at me. But I can't seem to focus on anyone's face because the only thing that I'm more excited about, other than leaving, is my 7th period with Eddie. One of the few periods we have together. We're supposed to have 3rd and 6th period together but he skipped both those periods today so I had to sit at empty desks by myself. As soon as the bell rang signalling the end to 6th period, I jumped out of my seat and hurried to get to the door before anyone. It's so strange considering I just met Eddie but already hoping to see him again. I look around trying to find Eddie. 'How hard is it just to find one man wearing rings,a jean jacket, a hellfire shirt, and the most handsomest face I've ever seen.'

"Looking for me princess."

I whirled around not realizing how close he was. When I faced him, I got a whiff of his cologne and cigarette scent. I feel my face fluster at his closeness.

"Hey Eddie," I turn back around to start walking, "what took you so long?"

"Nothing just skipping class, smoking, frowned upon exercises."

"Ah don't forget sacrificing children"

"Right, I like to spend my time abducting kids and sacrificing them to our dear leader Vecna."

His comment erupts a laugh out of me and he joins me. We walk in silence for a bit taking a few turns.

"So why did you move here again?" He asks cocking his head to the side.

"Some people found out about my abusive stepdad and my mom didn't want him to go to jail. Also because he was our only source of income." I explain again reminiscing.

"I'm sorry, that must suck." He gives me a small gentle smile.

"Eh it's fine ig. He's not so bad towards me just to my mom really. But it's still irritating knowing I can't do anything to stop it."

"You could make some friends and stay over at their house?"

"I'm not sure if we would stay long enough for me to make good friends. I'm sure by the time I get back home from school my mom will have a new bruise somewhere that she'll be trying to cover up." I sigh heavily thinking about the times I walked in on Mom trying to cover her bruises with makeup. 

"I'm really sorry you have to go through that." He bumps his shoulder into mine.

"Eh it's fine. Could we change the topic though, the mood is kinda depressing right now."

He chuckles before answering me. "Too late we're here." I find myself wishing we had more time and hoping to make him laugh again. 'He has a very nice laugh. It's kind of cute.' I can feel the tips of my ears getting hot. We walk in and sit in the back away from everyone. The english teacher walks to the  board and starts writing something with his chalk but the only thing I can think about is the man sitting next to me. Eddie obliviously plays around with his hair and pencil, twisting his hair around his ringed fingers or twirling the pencil around. He made breathing extremely difficult. 

"Mrs. Davis!" the teacher glared obviously noticing the fact I wasn't paying attention. "Could you please stop daydreaming and pay attention."

"Yes sir" I mumbled, face heating up with embarrassment. With a nod the teacher turns back around and continues his lecture. All of a sudden, I see a white paper flash in front of my face and land on my desk.

Don't mind him, he usually doesn't pay attention but look at you getting all this attention

I smile and look over to the sender, he's already smiling at me. He quickly schools his face and nods forward. I frown knowing he's telling me to pay attention to the lecture. I quickly scribble down something before sending the note back to him. 

It's only the first day of school, do I have to pay attention?

He reads it and writes something down before sending it back to me. 

It's exactly just as you said it's the first day of school and you're new so first impressions matter

I hate how spot on he was. When I looked over, I saw an eyebrow raised with a smirk as if he was daring me to argue. I flipped him off with a fake smile. Taking a quick glance at him, I notice his smile growing wider. 


"Ah finally the end of the day." I stretch my arms above my head savoring the warm sun and cool breeze. 

"Y/n!" Dustin runs up to me struggling to catch his breath." The others and I were going to go to Family video, Scoops Ahoy, and watch a movie at my house. Do you wanna join?"

"I'd love to really but I need to get home, start unpacking, and arranging my stuff from the move. Thanks anyway." 

"Yeah no problem," He walks backward while saluting me. "See ya tomorrow."

"See you, tell the others I said hi."

He gives me a thumbs up before turning around and walking back to the Hellfire crew. I watch him walk away for a bit before turning around and going home myself. I drive home in quiet, comfortable silence, only the soft radio playing. When I arrive home, I stay outside in my car just for a little while savoring the quiet because as soon as I step foot into that door, Hell would have broken loose. I take a deep breath and walk out the car locking it behind me. Before I even reach the door, I hear my Dad yelling. Turning the knob,I quickly walk through the living room and kitchen trying to quickly pass into my room. I grab my Walkman and play the first cassette which ends up being The Thing That Should Not Be by Metallica. I lay down on the bed and close my eyes. With the guitars and drums blasting in my ears, I fall asleep.

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