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If I said everything went smoothly between Eddie and Billy, that would be a lie. It seemed like they were insulting each other while pretending they weren't actually insulting each other. When Dustin asked Steve how many girls he had been with, Steve refrained from answering but Eddie chimed in.

"Billy, haven't you been with at least 75% of the girls at school?"

"At least I have slept with girls, I'm sure the one girl you slept with ditched you because you couldn't fulfill her needs like a real man."

"Eddie, why don't we head off to the whacking game and Nev goes with Billy to the dinosaur shooting one." Robin cuts in clearly noticing the tension.

Eddie didn't seem too happy with the proposition but Billy was already dragging me away.

"What happened between you two?" I ask as I sneak a glance at Eddie.

"You should ask lover boy over there."

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I know I shouldn't be jealous but I can't help it. Nevaeh's only been here for about 3 weeks and I already have a crush and it doesn't help that Billy got to be with her.

"Eddie, pay attention!" Nancy squeals as I realize I was splashing her with the toy gun.

"Shit! My bad..." Though I'm still not paying attention. I set the water gun back into its spot and walk over to Nevaeh and Billy.

"Hey Nevaeh, wanna play the motorcycle game?" I ask.

"Uh sure, just the two of us?" It irritates me that she looks back towards Billy.

"Yeah." I try to make it sound chirpy and not tense but I don't think it works.

I grab her and drag her to the motorcycle game resisting the urge to flip Billy off. The game starts off tense but when she passes me, she turns and grins at me.

"Better speed it up if you wanna win, slowpoke."

  'Guess she came to win.'

I chuckle before speeding up.


In the end, I let her win. We ended up stopping to buy some food. After she ate, we walked around for a while, played some games and won a bunch of tickets. Using the tickets I won for her, I didn't know which stuffed animal to get her so I got a stuffed fox for her.

"For the prettiest girl here."

"Aw, thank you so much Eddie. I love foxes." She threw her arms around my neck and pulled me into a hug. I wrapped my arms around her waist and breathed in her scent. She had this type of floral scent.

"Thank you for inviting me and for getting me this fox."

"Of course. I can't imagine having fun without you." I say this genuinely.

"Okay now take me home" She laughs. 'God I love her laugh.'

"Yeah let's go." I grab her hand and intertwine our fingers.

"We should let the others know." She turns to head back but I pull her back.

"I'll text them and let them know after I've dropped you."

"Alright then, lead the way."

A/n: Sorry I took so long with this chapter, my motivation was nonexistant. I'm currently working on ch.8 and I'm so close to finishing it so expect it by today. I also want to apologize for how shit this chapter is because I had trouble finding motivation so this chapter is the product of what little motivation I had.

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