Chapter 7:Operation American Reclamation

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The Enclave - RSA war draws to a close with an RSA victory. The Fascist were soundly defeated by the might of the Reclaimers. Now onto the next enemy in the south.

After many days of mobilizing it's Air forces and redeploying units to the Southern Front. Finally they made their offensive.

In the White House.

The President of the RSA have a meeting with his military officials.

James:So you wanted me to send an nuclear missile for your offensive? That's sounds ludicrous.

John:With all due respect sir. The Synths are like a tidal wave and we need a breathing room so that we could advance more to gain out territory. If we send the offensive without Nuclear Support, we might suffer staggering casualties.

Overlord:I agree with him sir we really need nuclear support in this operation.

James:Fine. I guess this is the only way. Give me the Nuclear football.

He was given an briefcase that holds the nuclear codes.

He opened the briefcase and got a card that contains the codes. He said to the communicator the codes.

On an Silo.

They received the Nuclear codes and check if it's authentic or not. They saw it as authentic. They asked to identify the President and of course he told the code that will make sure that the President is real and not fake.

The Silo teams prepared the Nuclear Missile to be launched. After waiting for seconds. The missile has launched and it's trajectory is heading towards to the battlefield.

The Soldiers on the front has receive orders to withdraw.

Overlord:All units. Withdraw from your positions. There is a Nuclear device heading your way. I repeat. All units withdraw from the Battlefield. You all are leaving!

The Soldiers hears the orders and pack their equipment as fast as possible in order to be in the safe distance from the nuclear blast and radiation radius.

RSA Soldier 1:Come on men. Faster! We are leaving. An Nuclear missile is heading our way. I repeat. An Nuclear Missile is headed our way.

They leave as soon as possible. They were boarding trucks that was sent to get the men out of the target area.

Once Soldiers have left the target area. The Synths took advantage of this gaining lost ground from the RSA forces. They were overrunning the trenches and appropriating the trenches. The Synthies in the trenches.

Then Suddenly, an flash has appeared on the target area and an mushroom cloud rises to the skies above once again burning the place with the same fire that had burned the world in October, 23, 2077.

An Shockwave has travel throughout the Battlefield and the Synths were destroyed for a moment. The Operation has taken place with the Tanks going first. The tanks are radiation and nuclear proof. And even Power armor is as in the past made by America's greatest minds at the time.

The Power Armor advance with the tanks together with Sir support. The Offensive is something that could not be stopped by just Human wave tactics. In which the Synths continued to use.

The RSA forces marched forward with no resistance met. In Cities they met fierce Synth Resistance and even going as far as reaching Boston on which the Institute is located. Boston has the city heavily defended to the brim. It has hundreds of Anti-Air Defenses. A lot of Synth defenders. All because it's the beating heart of the Institute.

But the question is. Can the Institute match the Industrial might of the RSA.
Absolutely not. The Institute is only one factory is in the Institute itself only producing Synths and military equipment to maximum overdrive.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2023 ⏰

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