Enter the JSDF

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Traveling with Rory was an interesting experience to say the least, but I had to admit I was enjoying it. No matter where we went, she was loved by the people of this world and had a kind nature to kids. Rory told me of the city Rondel and how anyone that we freed should be safe there.

For the next month and a half, we investigated the slave markets and any rumors of those that had been captured. It was not going well; however, we did manage to free a small number of Japanese who had been bought by some decent folk. When Rory spoke to them about the true nature of the slaves, they gladly freed them to please Rory.

A traveling merchant was kind enough to take them to Rondel for us, so that we could continue our search for more slaves. Rory did not mind that I worked on saving slaves native to this land, so long as their owners were abusive to them. I learned more ways to fight while working beside Rory and I told her about Earth and what living there was like.

Eventually we heard rumors of a dragon that had awoken before its hibernation should have ended and Rory informed me that we would have to place our current goal on hold and investigate the dragon. I nodded in understanding, and we began the trek to the forests where she said that a tribe of elves lived. Along the way we slaughtered a camp of bandits that were apparently going to ransack a city as their military forces were apparently greatly diminished.

Itami Youji PoV

It has been an eventful time for my Recon squad 3 and I couldn't help but sigh. How did I get into the position of leading a squad? AAAGHH I should have just minded my own business during the Ginza attack. I looked into the back of the Humvee to check on the elf we saved from the well and she was still passed out. Still the fact that the dragon exists here... ahh it sure is a fantasy like world.

The convoy was moving slowly as we escorted Coda village as they fled their homes due to the dragon. A few of the village kids rode with me and our medic Mari Kurokawa who was looking over the elf.

Kurokawa: Her vitals are steady; she should regain conscience soon.

Itami: Really?

I felt some relief at hearing that the elf would be alright.

Itami: But man, this sucks.

Takeo Kurata: Do they have a destination?

I looked to the driver who shared similar interests in my hobbies.

Itami: Apparently not.

Kurata: They don't?

He was surprised and I couldn't help but to sigh.

Itami: Being on the run is exhausting.

3rd person PoV

The convoy comprised of the JSDF vehicles, and the carts of the villagers slowly proceeded onwards as an old man in one cart pulled by a donkey began to complain.

Cato: Ehhh I'm thirsty.

Lelei: It seems we won't rest for a while yet.

Near the front of the convoy one of the wagons has stopped and one of the older members of the 3rd recon unit can be seen commanding a few other soldiers as well as the villagers as they push the cart out of the mud.

Kuwahara: Push with all you're might! Show us what you're made of!

The convoy was back on the move now and Itami and Kurata continued their conversation.

Itami: you could say they're going to keep running until they know the fire dragon isn't coming, it seems. I guess refugees are the same anywhere you go.

It was a somber thought and an end to their conversation. Eventually the convoy had to stop as a wagon's axel broke. Under the instruction of the villagers chief the family who owned the wagon had to take only what they could carry. The convoy eventually resumed as the broken wagon burned in the background.

Kurokawa: Why did you make them burn it?

Itami: they refused to keep moving. It was my only choice.

Kurokawa moved forward in the vehicle so she could look Itami in the face, not happy with his response.

Kurokawa: Can't we ask for backup vehicles?

Itami lowered his helmet over his eyes. Although he didn't share the true reason, he didn't call for assistance, he gave Kurokawa an answer she would have to accept.

Itami: We're technically past the front line. They might let us off the hook, but the enemy might move if we brought a huge unit here. Then it'll be spontaneous battles, more unplanned combat, and runaway military costs. Before you know it, there'll be destruction and the villagers will get caught in the middle. Just thinking about it is terrifying, apparently.

Kurokawa smiled softly as she realized the truth to those words but felt there was more to it, especially with his wording of the last sentence.

Kurokawa: So, you were told, huh?

Itami: that's why the most we can do is give them a hand.

Kurata suddenly notices something in the road getting everyone's attention.

Kurata: Huh? Someone's coming from up ahead.

Grabbing his binoculars Itami looks ahead noticing a large number of crows and as he lowers the sight to the road ahead, he can see two people in the road. A short young female in all black with red accents holding a halberd, and beside her a young man whose face looks strangely familiar. The young man was dressed in simple clothes for this world and had metal shackles around his wrists and one around his neck, but strangely also had a sword strapped to his waist.

Itami: Let's see... a slave? And a ... A Gothic Lolita Girl!

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