The first couple is Yoonhyun

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Shi Dae University. It's been a month. Since the school year starts.
Yoona's POV

Seohyun and I were already close. And i admit it. I like seohyun now. No, scratched that. I love her. My heart always beats so fast if she is around to me. I always see her face wherever I am. I just want to be by her side. I got jealous when someone talk to her or flirt to her. Hitting on her. Argh! Can't they just see that my seobaby is not interested to them?! What?! My seobaby?! I chuckled. "Yah, what are you thinking of, share it. Butts, right?" Tae said with a pervy smile. "Aniyo! Aish, unnie! Leave my innocent brain! Stop it!" I defended. "Then what are you thinking yoong?" Yul said. "Just someone" i blushed. "Mwo?! You are in love Yoong! Who is it?!" Hyo asked. "Aish. It is Seo unnie" i lowered my head because of embarrasement. "Itsh ish okay yoongie-ah" soo said while eating the other unnie rolled there eyes because she is talking while eating again. "So did you already confess now?" They asked. I cutely shook my head. "Aigoo, you should say those three words now Yoong. You should not let her go with some other people. It is now or never." Hyo said. "It is easy to say but it is hard to do." Yul said. "Yul! Why are you so negative when it comes in confession!" Tae said and knocked the head of yul. I sad smile. Those words keep replaying on my head what yul said to me. "It is okay yoong. Do it. You can do it. Just accept what is she going to say to you. We are just always here yoong." Soo said and starts eating again. I smiled because of that. "What if i got rejected?" I sighed. "No yoong. I know seo, likes you also. She keeps on looking, asking, talking, and everything to you." Yul said the other unnies nodded agreement. "Thanks unnies. I promise i will confess to her by this week. Just give me some time to prepare for it." "That is the spirit yoong!" They shouted in unison. All students in cafeteria look us and giggled. We just all laughed. Thanks to the unnies. I got the courage to this confession and to prepare for it.

I saw seo. "Hyunnie!" I shouted. Students look at us. Whispering "are they together?" "I always saw them together" "they look so good for each other" "omo if yoona is seohyuns lover, it is her first love" "seohyun is good for yoona" "our number 2 shikshin has a girlfriend already, i wondered if the others has also?" That is what i heard. I smiled because they want us to be a couple. Hyunnie, do you want us to be a couple also? Do you love me like i do? "Yoongie, why are you shouting my name?" She giggled i just shook my head. "They said we look good to each other" i said to her she blushed. "Aigoo! Hyunnie is blushing because of me e?!" I teased her she madly blushed and hide her face with her hands. "Stop it Yoongie" she cutely pouted. "Aigoo! Stop being a baby! You are so cute when you are pouting" i said. She is still pouting. I pinched her cheeks. "Yah stop that!" She said i let go of my hand in her cheeks. I laughed. "You really love to tease me a?" She whispered to me in husky voice. I shivered because of her voice. I looked at her. She sexily wink at me. "W-w-what? W-w-hy d-d-did you d-do t-that?" I stuttered. I felt my cheeks heat up and turned in tomato. She burst in laughter "that is what you get by teasing me Yoongie!" She said. "You are such a tease seo-" "Yoong!" A familiar voice cutted me off. I looked for that person and I saw Eunjung my cousin. "Yoong" she said again i smiled widely to her. She hugged me tightly i hugged her back. I look at seohyun. Her reaction is, ahm. How can i say this? Her face is red. Her eyes is shotting a glare in the back of my cousin. She is fuming in anger. Is she jealous?! I snapped out. "Jagiya!" Eunjung called me. She always called me like this. She has a girlfriend already. Don't think of us that we are in a relationship.

Seohyun's POV

Who is this girl?! What the?! Did she just my hugged my Yoongie?! I am so jealous now. Fine, i love Yoongie since the day i met her. She is beautiful, kind, caring, she has the qualities that i am wishing for. "Jagiya" the girl said. Jagiya?! Is that her girlfriend?! She has a lover and she just let me to fall for her! Im Yoona! What kind of girl are you?! "Yoong" yul, tae, soo, hyo called her. "Seobaby" my unnies called me. "Hey, eunjung. It's been a long time. How are you?!" Tae unnie said. So, eunjung is the name e?! I am so red now. I look at the girl again and glaring at her. "Hey seo. If glaring can killed some people. I think that Eunjung girl is dead now" sunny unnie said. "Yah Taeyeon. I'm fine. How about you, shorty?" Eunjung said to tae unnie. I rolled my eyes tapping my foot. I'm really jealous now. Yul, Hyo, Soo, Yoong, laughed at tae unnie. I glared at Yoona. Having fun a?! Let us see Yoona! "Yah, eunjung. Don't be like that to our midget." Soo joined teasing tae unnie. "Yah! Stop that. Don't you dare call taetae midget or shorty again." Tiff unnie said sternly. Yul, Soo, Hyo, Yoong just gulped and laughed nervously and taeyeon got shocked because tiff unnie defended her. "We are just kidding Tiff, don't take it seriously." Yul said. "Mianhe, Tiff, right? We won't do it again. " Eunjung said. Tiff unnie stop glaring at them and showed her eyesmile the girl that who received glares sighed in relief. "So Unnies. Can i borrow Yoong for a while? I need her tonight. Something came up. And i should talk to her." "Sure, she is all yours now." Tae said. What?! Tonight? Are they going to do it?! No, don't do it Yoong! I will kill you! And double kill that girl of yours! I breathed heavily. Yul, Hyo, Soo, Tae smirk at me. What is that suppose to be mean? I raised an eye brow. They juat shook there heads. Aish, dorks! My 3 unnies. Saw me. They look at me pathetically. Yes they also knew that I have feelings for Yoong. I talk to them 3 days ago. "Is that so jagiya? You can always count on me eunjung-ah" Yoong said in a cute voice! Seriously! I am fuming in anger and jealousy. I looked away to them they are so sweet to each other. I hide my face because some tears might escape from my eyes. I wiped it smartly. "Unnies, can we go now?" I said in cold voice. They just nodded. I know they noticed me, hurting. "I walked away i did'nt bother to say goodbyes to the others. Mianhe unnies. I just don't want to see yoong with other girls acting so sweet.

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