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The first day I met you (9 years ago) Youngie's POV

A 10 years old girl named Youngie met Sooyeon in a park in a rich village. The first time she met the girl. She was mesmerized by the beauty of the girl. I approached the girl and asked her to play with me. She shyly nodded. Aigoo, she is so cute. "C'mon let us play Hide n' Seek" she nodded happily. "Hey, what is your name." I asked her. "Sooyeon, How about you?" She asked me back. "Youngie, call me like that." I said. After we played we both panting and laughing because of playing games. "So where is your house, Sooyeon?" I said. "There, yours Youngie?" She pointed. "It is also big like us. It is a secret" i stucked my tounge out to her. "Unfair Yoongie." She pouted i just chuckled at her. "Unnie" a cute little girl said with 2 butlers around her called Sooyeon. "Soojung-ah, waeyo?" She asked the cute girl. "Is she your dongsaeng (lil sis/bro) Sooyeon?" I asked. "Yes she is Soojung. Soojung this is Youngie unnie." Sooyeon said. "Hi Soojung-ah. You are so cute." I said to her with a smile. She just hide from the back of her unnie. She is shy. So shy. Omo. So cute. She is peeking in the back of Sooyeon. Hahaha. Kyeopta. I giggled. "Mianhe, she is always like this, always shy." Sooyeon said. "It is okay. She is so cute. Hahahaha." The cute girl hide her face in her hands. Hahahaha. "U-u-unnie. Umma c-calls for you, s-she said we need to eat our d-dinner now." She is stuttering. Argh, Soojung-ah. Your are so cute. You know?! "Youngie, i need to go now. Let us play again next time." I nodded. "Annyeong Youngie. Take care." Sooyeon said. "Ne, Sooyeon. Annyeong Sooyeon and Soojung." After that they walked away with their butlers.

Few months passed. Youngie and Sooyeon. Got really close. They are always playing with each other, teasing, joking, everything.
Sooyeon's POV

"Yah, Youngie are you alright?" I asked her she badly fall because she tripped on some stones. "Ne, sooyeon. I'm alright. No worries" She showed the smile that i always wanted to see everyday. That smile. I can't explain why. But everytime i see that smile my heart flutters. She tried to stand up. But she failed. "Let me help you Youngie." I reached for her hand to help her stand up. She fix herself. And removed the dust that she had on her clothes. After that. We walk hand in hand. Talking some stuffs and then silence. A comfortable silence. "Youngie." I broked the silence. She turned her gaze to me raising her eyebrow asking why. "What if. I?" I stopped. "What if you what?" She said. We both stopped in bench and settled ourselves there. "What if i leave without saying goodbye to you? Are you going to be mad at me?" I asked her. She shook her head cutely. I smiled. "I'm not." She simply said. "Then what are you going to do then?" I asked again. "I'm going to find you." She looked me in the eyes. "Cause you are my only friend that i have in this village." She continued. "Is that so? Promise me. Youngie. That you will find me." I said in low voice. "Wait, why are we talking about this? Are you leaving me?" She said. "Aniyo. I just want to know." I said. She hold my shoulder and look in my eyes and smile. The smile that I want to see everyday. "I promise you. I am going to find you no matter what, wherever you are. I am going to see you and say that Sooyeon-ah Finally i found you." She said in teary eyes. "Why are you crying?" I wiped her tears. "Just, just that." She said and then she unbuckled her necklace in her neck and raise it i look on it. "This pendant is customize. So no there is no more copies of this." It is a pendant that has a Letter S with snowflakes on it, it is a silver one. "And then?" I asked. She move closer to me. And put the pendant on my neck. "Youngie, why did you putted this on me?" I asked. "The reason is. If you leave. And i can't find you no matter how i tried. If i just see this pendant in your neck. I will call you. Sooyeon-ah! I finally found you after how many times i tried to look for you." She said with a big smile. I cried in happiness because of what she did. "You promised me. Thank you Youngie." I said. "Aish, this girl. Stop crying. Hahaha." She just laughed and she kissed me on the cheeks. I widen my eyes. "Stop crying, i don't want to see you crying again." She said she laughed again. "Yah what are you laughing at?!" I asked angrily. "Your face, hahaha! It is just that, hahaha! Your eyes were so wide!" I playfully punched her shoulder. "Ouch sooyeon that hurts" she winced in pain. "Sorry Youngie." I said. "Youngie!" Someone called Youngie. "Unnie, what are you doing here?" She asked in shocked. The girl knocked Youngie's head playfully and Youngie pouted. I gigglrd she is so cute. "O, sooyeon a, this is my unnie." "Annyeonhaseyo Unnie." "Ne, annyeonghaseyo Sooyeon." She said. "Sooyeon ah. I need to fetch Youngie now. Her presence is needed in our house now. Mianhe," She said. "Is that so unnie? It is okay unnie." I said. "Sooyeon, Annyeon next time again. Take care." Youngie said to me and waved. "Annyeong Youngie. Take care." I waved back. I continued staring to them until they are disappered in my sight. I walked back in our mansion with some butlers.

Sooyeon: umma! I shouted happily.
Mother: good to see you. I was about to call you now. I need to talk to you.
Sooyeon: o, before that umma. Where is soojung?
Mother: she is in her room now.
Sooyeon: is that so? So what are we going to talk umma?
Mother: we are going in Los Angeles tomorrow morning Sooyeon-ah. Your father need us there. I know that you love here now because you have you friend now.
Sooyeon: i understand it. But my voice is so weak.
Mother: mianhe sooyeon a. You are going to make a lot of friends also there in LA.
Sooyeon: umma. When are we going back here again? I asked while crying
Mother: shush, stop crying. I don't know sooyeon. Your father need us there, he misses us so much. He can't go back here in Korea because of his work. So, we are the one who needs to move there. Mianhe sooyeon-ah.
Sooyeon: i understand it umma. If appa need us there we will move there. Tomorrow is our flight, right?
Mother: you are such a good daughter sooyeon-ah. But how about Youngie? Ne, tomorrow morning.
Sooyeon: i have to go in there house now. I said. Wait, she did'nt tell me where is her house!
Mother: don't worry. I will help you to find her house.
Sooyeon: thank you umma. I kissed my umma in cheeks.

It is midnight already. But we did'nt find there house. Where is her house?! Aish. Youngie! You did'nt even bother to tell me where is your house!
Mother: sooyeon. We can't find there house. And it is already midnight we need to rest now our flight is morning. Mianhe sooyeon-ah.
Sooyeon: anni umma. It is okay. She promised me that she will going to find me if i leave her without saying goodbye.
Mother: she is really a good friend of yours sooyeon. She saw a sparkling thing in her daughter's neck. Sooyeon-ah, what is this?
Sooyeon: this? A pendant. Youngie gave this to me. She said she will easily find me if i have this. This is the only one. There is no other copies.
Mother: she is smart also. Hahaha. C'mon now. We need to sleep.

That night. Sooyeon did'nt say goodbye to Youngie.

The morning comes. Sooyeon, Soojung and there Mother are ready to go in the airport. They are now here at the waiting area. Waiting for the call of there flight. The flight was annouced that the passengers should be now in tucked in their seats.

Youngie's POV

I'm waiting for 5 hours already. But she is not here yet. I stood up. And walk in to there mansion. It is only a walking distance from the park. I pressed the doorbell. The two butlers opened it. "Hi, Where is Sooyeon? 5 hours passed. But she is not in the park yet" i talked to the butlers that sooyeon's butler. "I'm sorry Youngie, but she is not here now." He said. "O, when she will going back?" I asked. " they did'nt say anything. I just know that. They move already in other country now just to see there dad, and they are going to study there. I don't know when is there comeback. Mianhe." I'm already crying. She did'nt say goodbye to me?! Pabo! You did'nt tell her where do you live! Pabo! Pabo! Youngie! I run away just to go in the park that we used to play. "Sooyeon-ah. Remember? The promised that I made. I will find you. Promise!" I smiled. And walked away in to go in our mansion.

That is all guys. Sorry for the wrong grammar. Kekeke, Hope you will like it. If you want to suggest anything just message me here in my Wattpad account or fb account. mjloverz15@yahoo.com and emmedina15@yahoo.com that is my second account. Thanks for reading this story readers.

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