Chapter 1: Apocalypse

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Ever since the apocalypse, The group haven't been able to hang out properly, at least not until today. Mike, Will, Dustin, Lucas, and Eleven all went to the local arcade and hung out within the abandoned building. They all just sat and talked for a few hours, chatting about what's been going on.

"I think we should talk to the people outside of Hawkins soon," Dustin suggested to the group while they sat on the floor.

"That's probably a good idea, but how?" Mike asks Dustin.

"I do have my radio tower, If someone can come with me I can set it up and try to communicate with Suzie," Dustin explained.

Will nods and looks at Mike and the others. "Who wants to go?"

Then everyone looks at Will.

"I have a date with El," Mike explains.

Will grumbles a bit before looking at Lucas.

"Sorry man, I have to take care of.. Max" Lucas states defeated.

Will sighs before looking to Dustin. "Okay guess im the one going, we'll have to ask Hopper."

Dustin nods before standing up. "Well lets go," and Will gets up and they walk out of the building.

'This is so stupid.' Will thinks to himself. He knows how stupid this apocalypse is. This monster has plagued everyone's lives, especially Wills, for far too long.

The two boys walk up to Hopper and Wills mother Joyce. Who seemed to be having a serious conversation.

"Hopper we wanna try and talk to someone outside of Hawkins with a radio tower thing that Dustin made, can we go out of the area to do it?" Will asks. He nervously picks at his fingers. Will has always been mildly afraid of Hopper. Hoppers short temper scared Will.

"Absolutely not, you two aren't good enough with guns to be trusted alone out there." Hopper states matter of factly. Which I mean is correct, they were not good with guns. But Will and Dustin knew what they were doing out there and how to sneak around.

Dustin frowns and Will lets out a sigh of relief. They both walk away and Will looks to Dustin.

"Maybe some other time?" Will says with a soft smile. Dustin nods but sulks a bit knowing he wont be able to communicate to Suzie his girlfriend for awhile. The two boys head back to the abandoned arcade to meet up with their friends. When they arrive back they split up, Dustin going to Lucas and Will going to Eleven and Mike. When Will makes it to Mike and Eleven he smiles. Eleven also gives him a smile and so does Mike, but his smile feels ungenuine and fake. Then, Lucas walks up to them with a sad and defeated look on his face.

"Hey Eleven, do you wanna go visit Max with me and Dustin?" Lucas asks.

"Yeah of course, I can check on her progress!" Eleven says with a smile before willingly following them. Eleven can do this thing where she can get into the heads of those around her. Like literally into their heads. So she says that when she checks on Max, her head that was once empty and dark has slowly brought back color and memories. Eleven has spread her theory on how it could be Max slowly waking up. So whenever they go to check on Max, Eleven always comes with.

Mike stares at her while she walks away, Will stares directly at Mike the entire time. Will looking into Mikes facial features, seeing how beautiful his face is. A small blush rises to his cheeks. After a few minutes of Mike looking towards El, He turns his attention to Will.

"So what do you wanna do?" Mike asks a small smile on his face, more genuine than the one given to Will before.

"I don't know, '' Will responds with a concentrated look upon his facial features.

After a bit of discussion they decide they should just sit and talk together. They sit and talk for a few hours before they realize it was getting late. Will and Mike part ways. Mike heads home, he is immediately overwhelmed from the noise of the house. His parents are fighting again. He sighs before heading to his room. They always do this and Mike worries he;ll reflect the behavior he has been shown all his life to El. Which seems to be happening, Mike doesn't know why he can't control his behavior sometimes. Sometimes when El brings up an issue she has, Mike immediately gets defensive just like his father. Or during the california trip when Mike brought up what Eleven had done, Eleven left the table just like his mother did after the fight with his dad. He doesn't like feeling this way. He weirdly feels alone now. This is all so stupid!

'Love is so stupid' Mike thinks to himself as he stuffs his face into the pillow. He slowly drifts into a nice slumber.

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