Chapter 4: Eddie?

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Will watched Mike walk away into his sister's bedroom. He noticed how Mike couldn't stop staring at him, He hopped for what that meant. Will sat down on the couch feeling himself relax into the comfortable cushions of the couch. He didn't mean to but he ended up falling asleep on that couch. Sinking into the comfortable fabric as he drifted further into his sleep.

Will was laying down on the ground within the upside down feeling his body ache from the rough texture. He stands up feeling his back throb from the ground. Looking around he sees the decrepit trees that look dead and destroyed. He remembers what it was like originally when he first arrived to the upside down. The fear of what was to come struck him as he remembered. He was hunted down by monsters and creatures that wanted him dead. He never knew why it was always him. Why he was always a target, but he was and he had to accept that. He lost his childhood to this monster. Will starts to saunter down the path ahead of him, dodging branches and walking over the weird things on the ground. He doesn't know how but he seems to be relatively close to the trailer park of Hawkins where Max lives. He walks around it for a bit before noticing a body laying upon the ground. He slowly snuck towards the body in caution, afraid of it. When he gets close enough he says a guy with curly brown hair, blood all over his body. Will doesn't recognize him but he still is struck with sadness. Loss isn't easy for anyone, so whoever knew this guy must be destroyed. Will slowly kneeled to the ground next to the guy, his heart aching for those who have been hurt. Will slowly placed his hand on the shoulder of the man, gently and carefully, mourning the guy's death. Then, suddenly the guy jolts up coughing up blood. Will jumps back afraid of getting hurt.

"Holy shit.. I'm alive?" The guy asks himself while holding his stomach. Will shifts away from the other but it seems the guy heard because he looked directly in Wills direction, wide eyed. "Who the hell are you!" The guy yells jumping up, backing away from Will.

Will thought this was a dream but with the guy seeing him, that means its not. He's in the upside down. Upon that realization Will jumped up in a panic.

"How the fuck do I get out of here shit shit shit," Will mumbles in a panic, turning his back to the guy who was just as confused. Will heard a noise to his side seeing a soon approaching demodog try to sneak up on them. Will turns to the guy. "We gotta go!" Will states quickly, grabbing onto the mans arm and yanking him away and going inside one of the abandoned trailers. Will barricades the door and windows in a panic. He quickly goes to the table after hiding underneath it while rocking back and forth. Mumbling nonsense as he hides.

"Hey hey, man its okay" The man attempts to comfort the panicked Will. The man sits down underneath the table as well. The man pats his back in a gentle calming manner. Will looks at the man, Realizing he kinda has similar hair to Mike. It's just longer and more curly. "I'm Eddie, whats your name?" Eddie asks, Wills eyes widen. Mike told him about Eddie before. Mike told him about how Eddie was a Dm and that he's pretty fuckin cool.

"I'm Will," Will answered with a small smile forming on my face. Eddie's eyes widened in recognition of his name.

"Will? Will Byers by any chance?" Eddie asks with a small chuckle.

"Yeah, how'd you know?" Will respond with a question.

"Mikes mentioned you, It's nice to finally meet you!" Eddie smiled and so did Will. Will smiled at the thought that Mike talked about him to Eddie. A small blush creeps onto Wills cheeks, thinking about what Mike would say about him. Before he could get lost in thought Eddie spoke. "I know a portal out of here, its in my trailer we just have to get to it."

Will nods standing up from under the table, he looks out the window seeing a mob of demodogs outside. "Going out right now isn't an option." Will states before looking back to Eddie who's now standing behind him. Eddie nods, going to sit on the couch in the abandoned trailer. Before Will could go to sit down the upside down disappears. Hes falling in the pitch black.

Wills eyes shoot open, sweat on his neck and forehead. Jonathan looks at him in a panic, his hands on Wills shoulders. Will tries to steady his breathing, trying to understand what just happened. When he finally realized he just spiritually went to the Upside down he froze. Questions like, how the fuck did he do that or whats he gonna do now, filled his head. He slowly calmed his breathing before standing up, he noticed Mike and El out of the room, looking at him with worried looks on their faces. Will looks between them and his brother.

"You okay Will?" Jonathan asks the concern on his face showing obviously. Will nods before looking down at the ground. "You were pretty loud, are you sure you're okay?"

Will looks to his brother before smiling. "Yeah I'm good, just a bad dream."

Jonathan nods before letting go of Will's shoulders. "Mom made dinner if you're hungry," Jonathan states before walking to the kitchen. Will looks down at his body, He just met Eddie Munson, the guy Mike has told him about for quite awhile. Will looks to the kitchen before making his way there himself. He sees his mom made spaghetti for them, He smiles. Sitting down he takes the silverware into his hands, slowly chowing down on the spaghetti. He's sitting next to Jonathan, across from him sits Mike and next to Mike is Eleven. Hopper is at one end of the table and His mom is at the other. Murray is next to Eleven on his mothers side and Argyle is on the other side of Jonathan. Will looks at Mike whos across from him, the memory of Eddie saying that Mike talked about him coming back to him. Mike looks at Will, they make eye contact. Will jolts slightly and looks back down at his food, blush forming on his face. After dinner Eleven asks Will if they could have a talk in the bathroom while everyone went to bed. Will nodded and followed. When they made it into the bathroom Eleven closed the door.

"I saw how you looked at Mike." Eleven states looking at the door knob. Will feels his stomach drop.

"What are you talking about?" He asks his sister, trying to calm his racing heart.

"Will, you look at Mike, like how I look at Mike." She states again. Shit. Wills eyes widen in a panic, slowly he steps away creating space between them.

"I don't know what you're talking about!" He states loudly turning away from Eleven. He can't face his sister.

"He makes you feel good? Happy and full of life right? Like you wanna live in a moment together forever right?" She asks, not letting up the subject.

"No! I don't feel that way at all!" Will clenches his fist, denying the accusation.

"You like him, you'd want to marry him! You can't tell me i'm wrong Will! Look at me!" She starts getting louder towards the end of her sentence.

"Eleven drop it!" He himself got loud before turning to her anger on his face. "I'm... I'm not! I don't wish for those things!"

"Will.." She tries, a quiet and soft voice she speaks in.

"What? You wanna hear what? You wanna hear me say I'm gay? A Fag, A Queer?!" Will states in anger, hatred for himself showing within those lines. "You gonna make fun of me for liking men? Everyone does. I'm just a dirty fag."

Elevens gaze softens. "Will! Its okay to like men! There's nothing wrong with that! Don't call yourself such mean things!"

Will looks at her, tears within his eyes. He sniffles before sitting on the side of the tub, putting his face in his hands. Eleven rushes to him to offer him comfort, giving him a hug and telling him positive things. Telling him its okay to be gay. Wills face was red and hot.

Little did either of them know, Mike was standing on the outside of that door. He had heard the entire conversation.

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