Chapter Twelve: Remembrance

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Michael- The Punished

I picked up my six-year-old daughter, Daisy, early from school, to attend my father's 70th birthday celebration. As soon as we got home, we began to get ready. My parents lived about an hour away, and the celebration started at 7. If Daisy and I wanted to make it on time, we would have to get ready quickly.

After Daisy got dressed, I twirled and wrapped her hair in a bun and clipped on a pink bow. Daisy, as usual, was chatting up a storm, but I didn't say much to her, my mind somewhere far, far away.
December 10, 2029.

Brooklyn, New York.

3:50 p.m.

I crumbled the papers in my hand, as I stumbled out of the bar. I wanted to laugh, though I knew it was probably because of the alcohol. I, Michael Elias Wood, am finally divorced.

I knew it was for the best, but I was not gonna lie and say that it didn't hurt. I walked around aimlessly, through the busy streets. Those same streets that I strolled along happily with my ex-wife.

I passed through a small street, with shops lined up next to one another. I found a flower shop next to an apartment complex. 


My wife and daughter had a love for gardening.

I walked inside. I saw the shopkeeper busying himself with the customers, and a teenager, who I assumed was the shopkeeper's son, in the backroom of the place, arranging flowers.

After that, I didn't remember much. All I recalled was someone picking up the garden shears, and the next thing I knew, there was blood.

The dark red sticky blood that pooled around the dead shopkeeper. But that wasn't the thought that chilled me.

The last thing I remembered was the cold, grieving eyes of that boy.

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