✩ really? ✩

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3rd PERSON POV: ✩✩✩✩✩✩✩✩✩✩✩✩✩✩

Chapter: really?

Jay and Jungwon had been looking forward to their date for weeks. They both had hectic schedules, being involved in the world of organized crime, but they had managed to find a small window of time for themselves. They decided to meet at a quaint cafe nestled in a quiet corner of the city.

As they sat across from each other, sipping their coffees, the conversation flowed effortlessly. They laughed, shared stories, and immersed themselves in each other's company. The atmosphere was filled with warmth and a sense of calm, a welcome respite from the chaos of their lives.

Just when Jay thought everything was going perfectly, his phone vibrated with an incoming call. He excused himself, apologizing to Jungwon, and stepped outside to answer it. The voice on the other end was serious, revealing that a rival mafia group had plans to sabotage Jay's operations that night. It was a dire situation that required his immediate attention.

Jay's mind raced, thinking of a way to handle this situation without alarming or worrying Jungwon. He knew he had to keep their relationship separate from his criminal activities, shielding Jungwon from the darker side of his life. He quickly formulated a plan.

Returning to the table, Jay wore a forced smile and gently took Jungwon's hand. "I'm so sorry, Jungwon, but something unexpected has come up. It's an emergency, and I have to take care of it right away. But I promise, I'll make it up to you. Can we reschedule our date?"

Jungwon looked concerned but understanding. "Of course, Jay. Your work is important, and I know you wouldn't cancel unless it was necessary. Don't worry about me; just take care of what you need to do. We can plan another date soon."

Jay's heart ached at the disappointment in Jungwon's eyes, but he knew he had to prioritize the safety of his organization and their future together. With a grateful smile, he kissed Jungwon's cheek and made his exit, leaving Jungwon behind at the cafe.

As Jay hurriedly made his way to his headquarters, he couldn't help but feel guilty for letting Jungwon down. He wished there was a way to protect him from the shadows that loomed over his life. The rival mafia group's threat was a reminder that his position and the dangers associated with it were inescapable.

With a heavy heart, Jay focused on the task at hand, directing his men to fortify their defenses and thwart the rival group's plans. Every decision he made was fueled by the desire to protect not just his empire but also those he cared about, including Jungwon.

Hours turned into a long night as Jay battled the threat head-on. When dawn broke, he finally received word that the situation had been successfully contained. Though exhausted, he couldn't shake off the lingering feeling of disappointment over the missed date with Jungwon.

Determined to make it up to him, Jay sent a message to Jungwon, requesting a meeting at the same cafe where their plans were abruptly interrupted. He arrived early, making sure everything was prepared to create a romantic ambiance for their rescheduled date.

When Jungwon arrived, Jay greeted him with a sincere smile. "I'm truly sorry for what happened yesterday, Jungwon. To make it up to you, I've arranged a surprise. Let's have our date now, right here."

Jungwon's eyes widened in surprise, but a glimmer of excitement appeared. As they sat down, Jay recounted a fictitious tale of an unexpected personal crisis that had required his immediate attention. Though a fabrication, Jay's story masked the truth and protected Jungwon from the dangers lurking in the shadows.

Throughout their make-believe  date, Jay showered Jungwon with undivided attention, affection, and small gestures of love. They laughed, shared dreams, and basked in each other's presence. Jay wanted this moment to be one they could cherish, a reminder that despite the turbulence of their lives, their connection was strong.

In the end, the rescheduled date turned into a beautiful memory—a testament to Jay's commitment to both his responsibilities and his love for Jungwon. As the sun set on that day, they walked hand in hand, knowing that despite the obstacles they faced, their bond could withstand anything.


Jungwon watched as Jay excused himself from their date, a sense of disappointment weighing heavily upon him. He tried to understand the urgency of Jay's departure, reminding himself that his partner's work was complex and demanding. However, it didn't make the ache in his heart any less intense.

As Jay disappeared through the cafe doors, leaving Jungwon behind, a heaviness settled within him. Loneliness crept in, filling the void left by Jay's absence. The cafe that had once been brimming with warmth and laughter now felt hollow, its walls echoing with the sound of shattered expectations.

Unable to suppress his emotions any longer, Jungwon paid the bill and slowly made his way back home. The walk seemed longer than usual, every step a painful reminder of the interrupted date and the void that now resided within him. Thoughts swirled in his mind, doubts and insecurities clouding his vision.

Reaching his apartment, Jungwon closed the door behind him and slumped onto the couch, feeling defeated and lost. In his heart, he knew Jay had good intentions and a legitimate reason for leaving, but the sadness within him was overwhelming. He needed solace, someone to lend a listening ear.

Without hesitation, Jungwon dialed Sunghoon's number, his closest confidant and friend. As the phone rang, tears streamed down his face, his voice quivering with a mix of disappointment and vulnerability. When Sunghoon answered, he immediately sensed the pain in Jungwon's voice.

"Jungwon, what's wrong? Why are you crying?" Sunghoon asked, concern seeping into his voice.

Between sobs, Jungwon managed to speak, his words choked with anguish.

"Sunghoon, it's Jay. We were on a date, and he had to leave because of work. I know he's doing important things, but it hurts so much. I'm starting to think that love and happiness are not meant for someone like me."

Sunghoon's voice softened, understanding the depth of Jungwon's pain.

"Oh, Jungwon, I'm so sorry you're feeling this way. I understand how difficult it is when the person you care about has commitments that sometimes take precedence. But remember, love is a complex journey, filled with ups and downs. It's not easy, but it's worth fighting for."

Jungwon let out a shaky breath, his tears subsiding slightly.

"I want to believe that, Sunghoon, but this disappointment feels so heavy. I thought I could handle Jay's world, but moments like these make me doubt everything."

Sunghoon's voice held a gentle reassurance.

"Jungwon, love requires patience, understanding, and communication. Talk to Jay about how you feel, let him know the impact his absence had on you. True strength lies in vulnerability, my friend. Give him a chance to understand your pain, and together, you can find a way to navigate these challenges."

Jungwon nodded, even though Sunghoon couldn't see him. His friend's words resonated deep within his heart, providing a glimmer of hope in the darkness. He realized that giving up on love would only serve to deepen the void within him.

With renewed determination, Jungwon wiped away his tears and decided to confront his emotions head-on. He would share his vulnerability with Jay, allowing their love to grow stronger through honest communication. Perhaps, with time and effort, they could find a balance between their individual lives and their shared journey.

Though the disappointment still lingered, Jungwon understood that love required resilience and the willingness to weather storms together. He took a deep breath, ready to face the challenges that lay ahead, knowing that his connection with Jay was worth fighting for.

Holaaa amigos, I love this story I just wish more people would read itttt ☹️. Help me reach a good audience Wattpad 🤞🏾.

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