Part 1

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[After the opening logos, we see a mysterious void, full of various colors and weird lines. On one of the lines are running America Chavez and Defender Stephen Strange, trying to do their best to escape a demon chasing them. Defender Strange turns to his opponent and casts a spell that freezes him temporarily.]

America: [in Spanish] Did it kill it?

Defender Strange: [in Spanish] No! We'll kill it with this!

[The camera pans over to a spinning pedestal, floating in the middle of the ether. A book, glowing with magic, rests on it]

America: The Book of Vishanti!

Defender Strange: We can't let it get your power. Get to the book.

America: How do we get across?

Defender Strange: Jump!

Defender Strange: It's too strong. I can't hold it.

[Defender Strange then starts taking America's powers away from her.]

Defender Strange: I'm so sorry. This is the only way.

America: What are you doing?!

Defender Strange: We can't let that thing take your power. You can't control it. But I can.

America: But we're friends!

Defender Strange: I know. But in the grand calculus of the Multiverse, your sacrifice is worth more than your life.

[Defender Strange suddenly gets impaled through the chest by the demon. America starts running to get the Book of Vishanti, but the demon stops her from going any further. The demon then restrains America and lifts her up, who screams and opens up a star shaped portal. Defender Strange sees this and fires bolts to release the demon's grip on America, who falls through the portal. Defender Strange then falls into the portal as well, the camera spinning around as he does. A flash of white and the scene then cuts to present day Doctor Strange, who bolts awake and sits up in his bed, breathing hard and he puts his hands over his face to clear sweat off it. He runs his hands through his hair, looks around to calm himself down, then he sees his broken wrist watch, his face reflected into the watch face. Strange gets out of bed and picks up his watch. We then see Strange in formal clothing and walking to a mirror to sort out his tie. After he short cuffs it, he uses his magic to straighten it, then he snaps his fingers to retrieve the Cloak of Levitation, which goes into his front shirt pocket. After Strange has his jacket on and walks through the New York Sanctum, the scene cuts to a church.]

[Stephen sits down on a bench, waiting for the ceremony to begin. On his left he notices a familiar face. Doctor Nicodemus West, his former colleague and rival.]

Doctor Nicodemus West: Doctor Strange.

Doctor Stephen Strange: Doctor West.

Doctor Nicodemus West: Haven't seen you in a while.

Doctor Stephen Strange: I was a little preoccupied being dust in the air for five years.

Doctor Nicodemus West: So were a lot of us. While I was gone... thank you for asking... I lost both my cats. And my brother.

Doctor Stephen Strange: I'm very sorry.

Doctor Nicodemus West: Thank you. I, uh... I guess what keeps me up at night is wondering... Did it have to happen that way? Was there any other path?

Doctor Stephen Strange: No. But I made the only play we had.

Doctor Nicodomus West: Of course, you do. The best surgeon and the best superhero. But you still didn't get the girl.

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