Part 5

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Xavier: We should tell him the truth.

Mordo: Our final member... Professor Charles Xavier.

Strange: What truth?

Xavier: That's not how our Strange died.

Emma: You're wondering what happens now.

Wong: No. That I had already accepted. But I do wonder... When you can force America to send you to any universe you want, Why take her power for your own? You know it will kill her.

Emma: For Billy and Tommy. To protect them. What if they get sick? In the infinite Multiverse, there's a cure for every illness. A solution to every problem. I won't lose them again.

Wong: Try as you might, Emma, you cannot control everything.

Emma: I can. Look at that view. It's carved in stone. I was meant to rule everything. But that's not what I want. I just want my boys.

Wong: At the cost of a child's life! Is there no peace in knowing that, even though you can't be with the ones you love, there are worlds where you are together. Is that not enough?

Emma: No.

Xavier: Our Strange did not die defeating Thanos. We were at war. While the rest of us banded together to try to stop Thanos, Stephen, as always, chose to go it alone.

Mordo: He turned to the Darkhold. Began dreamwalking. In hopes that our salvation might lie in the Multiverse.

Maria: And guess what? It didn't. But he kept doing it anyway.

Reed: One day, you called us all together, to profess that you've been dreamwalking. And in your words, "things have gotten out of hand." You never told us the details of what had happened. Only that you had inadvertently triggered an incursion. You, our friend, had caused the annihilation of another universe.

Maria: Everyone in that reality died. Everyone.

Xavier: Stephen renounced the Darkhold. He even helped us find the Book of Vishanti. A weapon we did use to kill him, to defeat Thanos. Thus, one final threat remained. I shall miss you, my friend.

Strange: I'm ready.

Black Bolt: I'm sorry.

Strange: Did you tell Christine?

Reed: Yes.

Strange: That statue... what about the statue? You built a statue.

Carter: The world needs heroes. We made a difficult choice because we knew what our Strange was capable of. Or perhaps, every Doctor Strange is capable of.

Reed: The building's been breached.

Strange: No shit, genius.

Carter: Status report, all sentries.

Maria: She's headed for the child.

Carter: Watch him. We'll vote on our return.

Xavier: Stephen, should you manage to escape this chamber, you must guide America Chavez.

Mordo: What the hell are you saying?

Xavier: Save the girl, and get to the Book of Vishanti.

Strange: What, you have the book here?

Xavier: Yes. You built a way point.

Mordo: Charles. We cannot trust him.

Xavier: I believe we can. Just 'cause someone stumbles and loses their way, doesn't mean they're lost forever. We will see what kind of Doctor Strange you are.

Strange: Thank you.

Christine 2: Everybody out.

America: It's Emma.

Automatic Voice: Ultron commander... Ultron command...

America: Hurry up, Doc, she's coming.

Christine 2: Oh, no.

Reed: Emma, stop. You possessed an innocent woman, but you can still do the right thing. Let her go. Please. I have children of my own. I understand your pain.

Emma: Is their mother still alive?

Reed: Yes.

Emma: Good. There will be someone left to raise them.

Reed: Emma... Black Bolt can destroy you with one whisper from his mouth.

Emma: What mouth?

Strange: Take me to the Book of Vishanti so that we can fight her together.

Mordo: You are in no position to give orders. My vote will conclude these proceedings when they return.

Emma: Haven't you had enough?

Carter: I can do this all day.

Maria: Get the hell out of my universe!

Strange: They're not coming back. And you just cast your vote now to kill your friends. Not that that ever bothered you before. You know, you hated me where I came from. I bet secretly, "my brother", you hated me here. You must've been so jealous. Do you know what? I bet you were thrilled when you heard I've been corrupted, hell, you probably gave me the Darkhold to begin with.

Mordo: You know nothing, of this universe!

Strange: I know, that killing Stephen Strange was your ticket to getting the Sanctum, to becoming Sorcerer Supreme, and to joining your little circus of clowns, the Illuminati.

Mordo: I'm ready! To cast my vote. Now.. Die! I think I'm beginning to understand, why your Mordo, didn't like you very much!

Christine 2: You're sealed shut! Get back.

America: Whoa.

Xavier: Enough!

Emma 2: Help me. Please...

Xavier: Emma L/N... Your mind is being held hostage by your alternate self. Grab my hand. If I can pull you from under the rubble, the spell should break.

Strange: Hey. You all right? You okay? You all right? Yeah.

America: She fixed him.

Strange: Thank you.

Christine 2: Yeah.

Strange: Xavier said I built a waypoint to the Book of Vishanti. Can you take us there?

Christine 2: How am I supposed to trust you?

Strange: I know what happened. I'm sorry for what he did. But believe me, the Book of Vishanti is the only way.

Christine 2: Yeah. Your way. You sound a lot like my Stephen right now. He had to be the one holding the knife, and then that knife kept controlling people.

America: This Stephen is different. He is. It doesn't matter about all the other Stephens. They're not like him.

Strange: Smart kid.

Christine 2: Give me your hand. Do not make me regret this.

Strange: I won't.

America: Okay, can we go now?

Christine 2: Follow me.

Strange: Where does that tunnel go?

Christine 2: Under the river.

Strange: Go. Go, go, go!

Emma: I warned you.

Strange: Other Emma, if you're in there, hold your breath.

America: Did it kill her?

Strange: No, but it bought us some time.

Christine 2: The book's through here. But only Stephen's ever opened it.

Strange: Shit. A chant only specific to me, something only I would know. Come on.

Christine 2: Stephen...

Strange: Come on...

Christine 2: Stephen!

Strange: Yeah. Thank you.

Christine 2: Sure.

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