Part 6

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Strange: Open sesame. Come on, kid. You got this.

America: I got this.

Christine 2: Yeah.

Strange: Are you all right?

Christine 2: Yeah. This is the gap junction. The space between universes.

Strange: All right, Book... Give me what I need.

Emma 2: My boys.

America: This isn't what your children would want.

Emma: They'll never know.

America: Maybe not. But you will.

Strange: Oh, no. Oh, crap!

Christine 2: It's like, this reality collapsed in on itself.

Strange: Yeah. Two realities collided. Come on. America doesn't have long.

Christine 2: So where are we going?

Strange: Well, if there's still a Sanctum in this universe, then there might be another, other, "other me", and that's our best shot at getting back to her. Well, I can see why you guys were so worried about incursions.

Christine 2: Whatever happened... this universe's you didn't do a very good job of stopping it.

Strange: I'll tell him you said that. Hello?

Sinister Stephen Strange: Stop where you are. How did you get here?

Strange: By accident.

Sinister Stephen Strange: Who are you... what are you?

Strange: I'm just, one of us.

Sinister Stephen Strange: From the Multiverse?

Strange: That's right.

Sinister Stephen Strange: Prove it.

Strange: We had a sister. Donna. She, uh... She died, when we were kids.

Sinister Stephen Strange: How?

Strange: We were... playing on a frozen lake, and... She fell through the ice. I couldn't save her.

Sinister Stephen Strange: Sounds about right. But we don't talk about that, do we?

Strange: No, we don't. I suppose your reality wasn't always like this?

Sinister Stephen Strange: I suspect it'd be somewhat like yours, until...

Strange: Until?

Sinister Stephen Strange: Until I lost.

Strange: To who?

Sinister Stephen Strange: What do you want?

Strange: I just want to get home.

Sinister Stephen Strange: Yeah, believe me... I've been trying to leave this place for a long time.

Strange: The Darkhold. You guard the Darkhold in this universe?

Sinister Stephen Strange: Yeah. For good reason.

Strange: That's a start. I could use it. It could help me to communicate with my universe.

Sinister Stephen Strange: Careful. The Darkhold exacts a heavy toll.

Strange: I don't mean to be callous, but, how much of a heavier toll is there left to exact?

Sinister Stephen Strange: Not just on its reality... On its reader.

Strange: Look, I'm sorry you couldn't save your own universe, but maybe, you could help to save mine?

Sinister Stephen Strange: Are you happy, Stephen?

Strange: What?

Sinister Stephen Strange: Are you happy, Stephen? It's the question that... Christine Palmer asked me at her wedding. I said, yes, of course, I'm happy. I'm a sorcerer with the power of gods. What man wouldn't be happy? Then I, came back to this god darn haunted house. Sat down... and wondered why I'd lied. I never meant for any of this to happen. I was looking for a world where things were different. Where I had Christine. Where I was... happy. But I didn't find it. All I found were more of us. So I did those Stephens a favor. You ever had that dream where you're falling, as if you've been pushed off a tall building? That was probably me. The Darkhold exacts a heavy toll.

Strange: Okay. All the more reason to give it a rest, so let me have it.

Sinister Stephen Strange: Here's the deal. I'll let you use the Darkhold... if you give me your Christine.

Strange: Yeah... I don't think she's gonna go for that.

Sinister Stephen Strange: No? Didn't think so.

Strange: Hang on. We're coming.

Christine 2: What are you doing with the Darkhold? Are you going to dreamwalk?

Strange: Slightly more than just dreamwalking.

Christine 2: All you Stranges, you're the same.

Strange: I know. You're right. We are all the same. But right now, that kid needs me, and I can't do any of this without your help. While I'm under, I need you to protect my body, in case they attack me for trespassing.

Christine 2: Who's "they"?

Strange: The Souls of the Damned.

Christine 2: Okay. But doesn't a version of you need to live in that universe? So that you can dreamwalk into them.

Strange: Who said they have to be living?

Souls of the Damned: Stephen Strange, possessing a dead body is forbidden! Cease your dreamwalk, and face the eternal consequences.

Christine 2: Stephen! Don't let me go. Stephen? Hang on. Hang on, hang on. Brazier of Bom'Galiath. Go back to hell. Stephen... I've got you. You're a Master of the Mystic Arts. They're spirits. Use them. Use them. Use them.

Wong: Come on! Uh-oh. Strange!

Emma: Dreamwalking, you hypocrite!

Strange: This time, it's gonna take more than killing me to kill me.

Wong: I don't even wanna know. She's breaking free!

Strange: Hold her!

Wong: Strange! Take America's power. There's no other way.

Strange: Yeah. This is the only way. It's me, in other me's body.

America: You're gonna take my power, aren't you? Before Emma can. It's okay. I understand now.

Strange: No, America. I've come here to tell you to trust yourself, trust your power. That's how we stop her.

America: I can't control it...

Strange: Yes, you can. You have been all along. Every time you opened a portal, you sent us exactly where we needed to go.

America: What about the first time?

Strange: Even that led you to this moment. You are gonna kick that witch's ass.

Christine 2: I've got you!

Emma: Uh-huh.

America: I can't beat you. So I'll give you what you want.

Emma: Billy. Tommy.

Billy: Mommy!

Tommy: There's a witch!

Emma: What have you done?!

Billy: Mommy!

Emma 2: Wait! Boys. It's okay. It's okay. It's okay.

Emma: I'm their mother! Get away from them.

Strange: No. Not yet.

Tommy: Mommy!

Billy: Get away from our mom! Leave her alone!

Emma: Boys, stop. Please. Wait, boys. Stop. Stop it!

Billy: Please don't hurt us. Please.

Emma: I would never hurt you. Never. I would never hurt anyone. I'm not a monster. I'm not... I'm...

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