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𝐁ill stood in the steaming bathroom with a fresh clean towel wrapped snuggly around his small waist, his blond shoulder-length hair wet from the shower he just enjoyed.

His mind was somewhere else, the recollection of last night's concert taking up space and distracting him as he emerged from the bathroom. It was the band's last show of the Dream Machine tour. The sound of the roaring drums echoed in his ears, the warm thick air that surrounded him and caused the sweat that trickled downside his back with his feet aching in his large boots. His eyes scanned around at all the multiple rows of bodies together close together, with their mouths wide open, screaming and their gleaming phones waving. Bill walked into the lounge area with a small smile.

"What shall we do today?" He asked out loud, pulling at his towel for security.

Gustav was laid out on the couch, his feet up on the ottoman footstool and the TV remote in his hand. He muted the TV for the moment, in case his band members wanted to make plans, and sat up, his dark blue jacket rustling.

"I'm not sure, but it does look very cold outside" Georg spoke first. His dark hazel eyes raced back and forth as he watched out the tall window of their hotel's apartment, staring down at the busy streets, filled with loud cars and the people who walked amongst the sidewalks, all rugged up in thick jackets and fluffy headwear.

Tom switched off the electric stove top, clearing his throat to speak over Georg, "I suppose that would be a normal winter in London," He said with a slight chuckle.

Georg turned away from the window, playfully glaring at Tom, with his hands now stuck into the pockets of his dark jeans.

Tom ignored this, a smile creasing upon his lips as he walked to the dining table, a pan filled with breakfast in one of his large hands, "Do you want eggs as well Bill?" He asked his younger brother, glancing at him for a moment, as he started to plate up food for everyone else.

Gustav throws the remote onto the couch as he gets up, making his way to the table, humorously rubbing at his stomach as his eyes are glued to the array of breakfasts on the table.

Bill nods his head silently and sits beside Gustav, with Georg following behind him and sitting opposite to them. Georg lets out a startled gasp as his backside touches the seat, his stare going straight over the two sitting in front of him.

"Oh!," Georg points his index finger towards the TV, his eyes wide and glued to the TV, "Look!" He exclaims.

Tom's head immediately flew up in the direction Georg was pointing, and his mouth drops slightly, "Holy shit," He murmurs softly as he scoops the remaining scrambled eggs out from the pan and places them on Bill's plate.

Gustav turns around in his chair at Tom's mutters, as does Bill.

"It's Taissa!" Georg exclaims again, his finger still floating in the air.

Bill's heart dropped to his stomach. The TV is still silent, but the person on the screen is as clear as the morning sun. The camera panned to Taissa, her makeup was soft, almost natural and she wore a nude shade on her plump lips. She wore a simple emerald gown, with matching jewel clips in the front of her chocolate brown hair that draped over her small shoulders and there were black heels hidden underneath her long dress.

Her face was slightly awkward as she stared down uncomfortably at the microphone that was just pushed in her face, the interviewer obnoxiously moving closer towards her.

Gustav rushed over to the couch, grabbing the remote and unmuting the TV and then he proceeded to pull his phone out from his pocket and started to record the TV.

"Any last words you can give us about the film, Miss Moore?" The interviewer spoke, a thick familiar accent visible.

"What are you doing?" Tom questioned, now sitting next to Georg, a fork full of eggs in his hand. Everyone looked towards Gustav.

𝐁𝐀𝐃 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄, 𝐁𝐈𝐋𝐋 𝐊𝐀𝐔𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐙Where stories live. Discover now