𝟎𝟏𝟔, ❝𝐏𝐋𝐄𝐀𝐒𝐄❞

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The harsh sound of knocking echoes throughout the silent apartment, and the casual warm salt lamp lights up a fragment of the room. Taissa sighed softly, throwing a cream-knitted cardigan over her basic black slip night dress before casually strolling to her front door, the orange light guiding her with fragments of the room. She opens the door, with her arms folded against her chest.

"Hi," Rory says, his large frame slumped against the door frame with a grin growing on his face.

"What do you want?" Taissa snaps, her hand still holding the door ajar. It's been a few days since Rory left Taissa drunk and alone in the club, four days to be exact.

"You weren't answering my calls," Rory adjusts himself, now leaning into the doorway some more, "Or my texts,"

"I know," She said blatantly, "I'm still mad at you,"

Taissa watched Rory edge himself closer inside, using the toe of his boot to wedge the door loose from her grip, "C'mon, I said I'm sorry," He threw his arm onto her shoulder, giving it a quick squeeze.

Taissa groaned aloud, taking her hand off the door and allowing him to walk past her inside, "I want a better apology," She said whilst closing the door and locking it.

Rory was kicking off his boots and instantly finding himself a comfortable spot on the lounge. Taissa flicks on the movie she was watching to fill the silence, the light flickering off Rory's face.

"You still watch these horrible movies?" Rory chuckles, his eyes now finding hers.

"Twilight is not horrible," Taissa scoffs, throwing herself onto the lounge beside Rory, "Besides you should know this is a comfort movie,"

"I do," Rory leans forward to Taissa's full wine glass on the table, taking a sip, "But it's still horrible," He says with a childish grin.

Taissa scoffs, ignoring his attempt at humour, picking at her blue-chipped nails, "Why are you here?"

"To apologise of course," He says sweetly.

Taissa looks over to him, his gaze forced onto her, his amber eyes doe-like. She can't help but remember the countless times she forgave him for something like this in the past, as young adults, how he always found his way into her heart again. Taissa broke his gaze, that wobbly feeling returning in her stomach.

"I'll watch Twilight with you," He bribes, comfortably resting his head on her shoulder.

"That's not really an apology," Taissa says, now anxiously focusing back on her nails.

Rory pulls off his black hoodie, revealing a tightly fitted black shirt underneath, his cologne strong and overpowering. He looks up at Taissa, watching his every move hawk-like, he places his hoodie on the arm of her green lounge set.

"I didn't mean to leave you there," Rory places his hand on the lounge, closing the space between them, "Honestly,"

"But you did," Taissa raised her brow, taking her wine and swishing it around then taking a sip, the sweet tang coating her tongue.

"I don't even remember leaving you," Rory sighs, "I swear"

"Okay," Taissa says before taking another gulp and resting the empty glass back on the table, "Where did you go then?"

"I don't know," Rory shrugs, looking at the glare Taissa was throwing at him, "I swear it sounds like shit but I really don't remember,"

Taissa stares at him for a moment, reading his almost sad face and rolls her eyes, mentally exhausted from this argument already, she sighs, "Alright"

"We're okay?" Rory offers a smile, inching closer to her.

"You owe me a drink," Taissa said, raising her brows at him.

A smile started forming on her face as Rory eagerly nodded his head and dived in for a small hug, "Twilight then?" He asked.

Later in the night, the third movie of Twilight now running in the background, and two empty wine glasses sitting on the coffee table, alongside some pretzels. The salt lamp was still on in the kitchen, illuminating the dark apartment and a cinnamon-scented candle burning low beside it. Taissa was comfortably lying against Rory, her legs resting on the coffee table and his hand resting on her knee, his seating position manspreading. 

Taissa shifts in her spot as Rory's hand slowly creeps up from her knee to her exposed thigh, her night dress drawing up, she takes a deep breath in as she watches him silently.

Rory glances her way, a smile creeping on his face, testing to see if she will ask him to remove his hand. She doesn't. He inclines closer, his shaggy brown hair now resting on her shoulder.

"Give me a kiss," Rory purrs, his lips brushing the side of her neck and his hand laying on her thigh.

Taissa's breath shudders at the sudden familiar feeling, the old memories coursing through her mind, finding herself leaning in closely to his sweet touch.

"Please," He mumbles through the cluster of kisses on her jaw, his hand slowly trailing up from her thigh.

Taissa leans into him, his full lips crashing onto hers with hunger, the grip on her upper thigh is now tight. She whimpers softly under his touch, allowing him more access to her, Rory now moves both his hands to the sides of her face, his tongue quickly slipping into her mouth.

"I miss this," Rory whispers, his large tattooed covered hands still holding Taissa's face.

"Please don't talk right now," Taissa breathes, her heartbeat thumping hard against her skin and her blood rushing intensely.

She pushes herself into him and closes the gap between them again, her soft lips hungrily kissing him. Rory's hands slide off her face and down to her waist, guiding her onto his lap, his lips never leaving hers. Taissa straddles him, the feeling of his growing hardness pressed firmly against her.

"Take this off," Rory says into the kiss, pulling at the base of her knit.

She pulls it off quickly, the cold air hitting her arms, goosebumps instantly forming. Rory leaves sloppy kisses along her jaw, Taissa throws back her head and lets out a soft moan. She holds on tightly to his shoulders, as his hands work away at his pants buckle.

A/N: I'M SO SORRY that I haven't updated in soooo long but I'll start writing again okay, also don't come for Tai for sleeping with Rory I promise it's for a reason lol . BILL CONTENT IS COMING SOON OKAY he's gonna be so hot and angry and it's gonna be worth it dw guys
Also, just a reminder of how delicious this asshole is (the character)

 BILL CONTENT IS COMING SOON OKAY he's gonna be so hot and angry and it's gonna be worth it dw guysAlso, just a reminder of how delicious this asshole is (the character)

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